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Welcome to ~~ DARK CARPATHIAN KNIGHTS ~~ {Adult}

18:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sorin Dragavei


CHARACTER NAME: Sorin Draguvei


DESCRIPTION: Sorin has dark, mesmerizing eyes and short, black hair. He wears a beard that is always neatly trimmed, as is his hair always neatly trimmed and styled. He wears tailored business suits and always carries a laptop briefcase with him. His look is always professional, but this is because his look is always a disguise. Humans trust clean cut men who wear suits and he has a manner of speaking that makes humans believe him and trust him. Some of that is probably his power over them as well.

SKILLS:In another time, Sorin was a skilled artist. He could paint, sculpt, create murals and tapestries. He could paint beautiful portraits. Now all of that talent goes to making forgeries and documents that look so real that they aren't questioned. Does a Carpathian need a new passport? Sorin will make you one. Do you need a death certificate so you can later be your own grandson? Sorin will create this for you. Sorin writes obituaries, contracts, and keeps the Carpathians hidden within the legal confines of the human world. Sorin will get you that visa and increase your credit score so no one will think anything other than you are a normal human.

Sorin also is very meticulous, and if a Carpathian is unable to clean up fully from a vampire fight because he is too injured or there is no time, Sorin is the Cleaner. Sorin will clean it all until there is no trace, plant any clues leading people away, and disappear into the night. This has earned him the nickname The Cleaner.

POWERS: All the usual carpathian powers, but he uses them more to manipulate humans into not finding Carpathians and throwing off the trail of vampires to them.

FACTION: Sorin works alone mostly, but has a few trusted Carpathians and humans who can help him in his task.

CHARACTER'S BRIEF BACKGROUND: Sorin was once a pretty peaceful Carpathian. He was not a warrior like most. He painted and sculpted, creating works of art from his soul. When that all faded, and he still didn't have the same fighting skills as others, he did find something he was good at-forging. Using his artist talents, he has created his own identity many times, creating a full family tree that is actually just him. He is a Carpathian that spends the most time around humans because he must always know what they are looking for, how they relate, and how to hide from them. Sorin hides in plain sight, keeping up on fashion, pop culture, and businesses. His emotionless nature and easygoing charm help him in his endeavors. Being a near Sociopath works fantastic in the human business and legal world.

Do you need proof of your existence? Call Sorin. Do you need to clean up a crime scene and can't because you need to go to ground? Call Sorin. Do you need a quick passport? Call Sorin. Do you need a marriage certificate that is authentic? A birth certificate? Updated abstracts for your land? Sorin will cover all of that.
