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23:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ollie Stone

The Basics

Name: Oliver Stone    Age: 35

Nickname: Ollie, Stone    Gender: Male

Species: Human  Class: Occultist

The Physical

Height: 5'10"   Weight: 157 lbs

Hair Color: Dark Brown   Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Features:

Oliver doesn't have many distinguishing marks. However, he does have several smaller scars, none of which are in places that are terribly noticeable. He remembers how he got each and every one- most earned when he was just learning to use his powers. Magic mishaps are a bitch.

Physical Description:

Overall, Oliver would be considered attractive by human standards- though fae and other beautiful creatures put his looks to shame, as they do other mortals. Piercing blue eyes, a strong jaw line and a charming smile can work wonders in a social interaction.

Clocking in at 5'10" and 157lbs, he is a fairly average male specimen. At least on the outside.

Oliver has a wiry musculature that suits his form quite well. He does not have the massive, overly large muscles of a body builder, or the toning of someone who regularly works out. Rather, he has the lean muscles of a working man, someone who has worked their whole life to get what they want.

Though he does prefer to remain clean shaven, it's not uncommon to spot the beginnings of a beard on his chin when he's working a case.

While Oliver is a budding P.I. he is generally dressed pretty casually in jeans, a t-shirt and some jacket or another. He saves the trench coat and fedora for important cases, when he needs to make a statement with his appearance.

Though Oliver is lacking a little in the manners department, and few would ever expect him to play dress up, he does clean up nicely when necessary.

Under The Hood


Oliver is gruff, quirky and more than a little hard to read, more often than not. Many would consider him standoffish or grouchy even, but the truth is- he tends to drive people away on purpose.

Deep down, he is a wise-ass, intelligent guy with a penchant for dry humor, witty retorts, and making any serious situation trivial in hopes of lightening the mood.

He has a few years under his belt, but a lot of knowledge to go with them. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as the simple curiosity of a scientist or a scholar.

Oliver has an unmatched love for the world, the people in it, and the way things work. He is not against violence, but he doesn't like to participate unless absolutely necessary. In his line of work, it's necessary more often than he would like.

Overall, he is a witty, intelligent man. Those who get close to him may or may not get tired of his smartass remarks, but they'll know that under that standoffish facade, he's a decent, caring guy.


Oliver is a private eye, and he’s not doing it for the money- at least that's what he tells himself, but everyone has to eat. Regardless, he genuinely enjoys helping people, despite how little he cares for them being in his general vicinity. He has many goals, but the one that is at the forefront of his mind is protecting the innocent from horrors they don’t deserve to face.


To any onlookers, it may appear that Oliver is fearless in the face of hulking beasts, powerful spells and deadly gunfire, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He does tend to put on a brave face for his clients and any victim that he is trying to save, but nobody wants to die. In reality, rather than fearing for his own life, he is most often scared for innocents that get caught in the middle of a bad situation. Oliver worries that one day he'll accidentally hurt someone with his magic, which is why he lives by a strict set of rules.

1. Always be the smartest guy in the room. Magic is not meant to be thrown about willy-nilly. One must know what they're doing, how to conceal their powers among the Muggles, or things will get out of hand.

2. No killing with magic. For obvious reasons, killing with magic can lead one down a dark path of greed and power grabbing. While this doesn't encompass killing with anything other than magic, Oliver would be hard pressed to end a life.

3. No magically shifting other people. Turning princes into frogs is an obvious no-no. The body is a temple, and it is meant to be private. Changing one's physical form without their consent can easily traumatize the person in question. While he isn't capable of such things, he plans to keep the rule intact in case he ever gains such power.

4. No invading or dominating another person's mind. Breaking into the mind of a mortal is like breaking into their home. It leaves them feeling vulnerable... violated, in more ways than one. Another redundant rule, considering his lacking abilities, but an important one nonetheless.

5. No swimming against the currents of time. Time travel is always an iffy topic, one that many choose to avoid entirely. For good reason. Changing the past changes the future, which can be catastrophic. Oliver doubts he could ever learn such advanced spellwork or if such magic even exists, but it worries him despite his doubts.


Wouldn't you like to know?

Other than the massive, glaring vulnerability called mortality, he doesn't have that many specific weaknesses.

Oliver is a very talented spell slinger, but in close quarters combat he is lacking. While he does know how to fight, and he is scrappy, he's had little to no formal training in the area.

On top of that, any opponent that is resistant to the arcane will generally have a leg up on Oliver. He doesn't have much in his repertoire other than an ever expanding knowledge of the occult, and the revolver he keeps in the trunk of his car.

The Juicy Bits


The life of Oliver Stone can be summed up in few words or many, depending on who is telling the story. If Oliver were telling it himself, he'd have very little to say about his past. Not because it wasn't particularly interesting or because it was traumatizing, but simply because he doesn't know how to put it into words. Despite his best efforts in past years, he's never been good at being serious when he needs to. Whether it is some kind of defense mechanism or just how he's grown to be, he would much rather crack a joke than shed a tear when a situation calls for it.

Oliver started off on the right track, born to a middle class couple with big dreams and even bigger hearts. But, tragedy struck three years into the boy's life, when a fatal collision on the freeway left him orphaned. Oliver bounced around from relative to relative, most of which proved unfit to raise a child, while the others seemed ill equipped to handle the expenses. Eventually, Ollie landed in the foster system as so many children do, where he was forced to bounce from home to home yet again.

Many of the families he wound up with were quite welcoming and warm, but he was never allowed to stay as long as he wanted. Oliver tends to push this part of his life to the back of his mind, but one family stood out more than the rest The Hales were comprised of Noah, Emily and their son Sebastian. By the time Oliver was taken away from the Hales, he and Sebastian considered each other best friends.

For the first eighteen years of his life, Oliver went through the motions- switching families and hopping schools as often as he had to, always trying to avoid growing close to anyone so he wouldn't have to feel the pain of losing them when he was dragged away from yet another home.

This deep seated aversion to dependency followed Oliver into his adulthood, as he was pushed out of the foster system and into a life that he didn't know how to live. Hard pressed to actually make a friend, Oliver spent most of his time alone, moving from city to city, state to state, working odd jobs for minimum wage and often living in whatever beat up tin can he considered his current mode of transportation. Making just enough to get by, he was always on the move, rarely settling in one place for more than a month at a time. Oliver had always wanted to travel the states, but hitchhiking and working for scraps wasn't how he'd pictured it.

Despite his rough childhood, Oliver was able to keep his head up more often than not. It wasn't easy, but he managed to go on by himself for years. With very few friends and no place to call home, he wonders to this day what happened to Sebastian, hoping his only childhood friend is doing well for himself.

A late bloomer, Oliver wasn't introduced to the occult until he was in his 30's, and living in the streets of New Orleans. He didn't take his first interaction with the magical world well. Considering the situation, who could blame him? Having stumbled upon a vampire's hunting grounds well past midnight, it wasn't long before he was fleeing for his life, wondering if dying would be better than going on the way he had been for years.

Fortunately, it wasn't Oliver's time. Or, if it had been, someone had chosen to intervene. As Oliver was pinned against a wall, with the vamp baring its fangs, the creature burst into flame and quickly transitioned from undead to dead-dead.

Saved by an occultist, Oliver was entranced and terrified in equal measure. However, that didn't stop him from begging the stranger for help, to help him become stronger, to help him learn to protect himself.

A few years later, studying and training under the tutelage of the slayer, he successfully cast his first spell. It was on that day the slayer disappeared. Despite the years they spent together as master and apprentice, the slayer never mentioned his name, and only gave brief glimpses of his face- preferring to don a mask or some kind of face covering more often than not. When the slayer disappeared, all that he left behind was a note that instructed him to make his way to London, where they would eventually meet again.

Writing Sample:

(More than happy to provide a writing sample if you would like! Just let me know?)