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21:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jordan Felmoore

"... because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die! You don't know who's children are going to scream and burn! How many hearts will be broken?! How many lives shattered?! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning, SIT DOWN AND TALK?!"

Inspiration for the Dr. Felmoore

Name: Dr. Jordan Nicodemus Felmoore
Nickname: Doc, Doctor, Dr. J
Age: 57, DOB: 21/07/1993
Faceclaim: Peter Capaldi

Abilities: Electrokinesis and Electronic Manipulation
Electrokinesis - Dr. Felmoore has the ability to generate, cast, and absorb electricity. Over the years he's used this ability to incredibly supplement his pre-virus skills and has become a formidable technological genius.
Electronic Manipulation - Dr. Felmoore has the ability to interact with electronics, no matter how simple or complex, deeper, and more intimately than any normal human. He can sense and dictate any and all interactions between electronics and dictate them as he wills.

Weakness: Over expenditure of inner energy, weakness in water, and old age
Over expenditure - If Dr. Felmoore isn't careful it is possible that he can cast even the smallest amount of electrical signals in his own body that every human needs to survive. Every human's mind and body (some even say the soul) operates with tiny electrical signals that carry information to and from the brain, and this energy for Dr. Felmoore is drawn from the same pool as the other electric energies he can manipulate.
Weakness in water - Should Dr. Felmoore be in contact with non-purified or distilled water during any substantial casting or absorption of electricity the amplification of the electrical current can overload his resistances and cause tremendous bodily harm. This fact would make it incredibly easy for Dr. Felmoore to accidentally absorb too much energy or accidentally cast out all of his energy, including the bare minimum needed for brain function.
Old age - Time waits for no man, and Dr. Jordan Felmoore is no different. He has almost reached his 6th decade and feels as if he's lived more than his fair share of lifetimes. While it doesn't take any extra effort to get out of bed in the morning, his body is slowly reaching its limit. This paired with the loss of his family... There is little left in the world that can leave a spark in his eye. He's tired and feels he doesn't have much left to live for.

Other Special Abilities: Immense knowledge of electronics (especially robotics); immense knowledge of relativity and quantum physics; over genius IQ;

League Rank: Rando
How many years with The League: 0.0
Occupation on the Campbell Compound: Outside Observer

Theme song

Physical Description: Aging tall and thin white male
Dr. J has always been a lanky one, and no matter what his activity or diet was he's always been stuck with it. It was one of the deciding factors that led him away from athleticism and towards pursuits of the mind.

Age and tragedy have left their marks on Jordan, wrinkles on his forehead, and very present veins on his soft hands. His scalp carries messy curls of salt and pepper hair (more salt than pepper lately), and his grimace has been known to make interns cry in despair. He knows what he looks like, and rarely uses a mirror.

Distinguishing Features: Attack Eyebrows and calming grey-blue eyes
Felmoore's gaze is one that you'd swear has a kill count. He's been known to be able to soothe even the fiercest storm or obliterate the calmest breeze with a mere glance. While he isn't the type to wear his emotions or thoughts on his sleeve, should his brow be in attack formation, watch out.

Personality Description:
Sarcastic, abrasive, and difficult are common descriptors whenever someone takes on the daunting task of describing Dr. Jordan N. Felmoore.  Having spent the majority of his life as a person of authority Dr. Felmoore has grown used to talking to underlings and interns. Today, even when addressing someone who calls themselves his superior it still leaks out.

Once upon a time long ago Jordan was a curious and impulsive lad, but today he's learned the value of forethought and patience. These are some of the qualities that grow on you in old age if you're lucky. If someone can endure the mean old Scotsman long enough, they eventually take every rough edging Dr. Felmoore has as an endearing trait. Dr. J appreciates them all the more for that too.


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Phineas Delmar Bondurant was a rich and spoiled American who decided to visit Scotland on vacation in the summer of 1990. While there he visited many local pubs and found one with an exciting attraction he couldn't get enough of, gambling, which was one of his favorite pastimes back home. He had no idea of the underworld family that ran the pub until it was too late.

After a few rounds of drinks and some fast talking from the regulars, Phin lost his last American dollar to a bad bet, and like any spoiled child would do, asked to phone home. When he did eventually phone home his parents (mostly his father) was furious, citing how irresponsible he was and how this was a horrible example to set for his younger brother, Nathaniel. It was then that the falling out started.

Phin's father lost his patience, and told Phin he'd have to wait until the project he started at work was through and then he'd come to get Phin and bring him home. Phin's father's plane ticket was dated August 17th. That conversation was on July 27th. Phin suddenly started to panic.

He was in a different country with no friends or family around and not a penny to his name. If he was going to find a place to stay he would need money, and he didn't have a lot of goods or skills to market. That's when a nearby eavesdropper appeared and presented a solution.

His name was Jacoby MacArthur but went by Mac. Mac had a job for Phin that didn't need a lot of skills. Just someone who knew how to drive. He gave Phin some money to buy a room at a nearby motel for a couple of nights and instructed him to come back to the pub around sundown. Phin knew this was bad news, but had no choice, and did as instructed.

It was a jewelry store heist and not one that went successfully. Phin and his accomplices were captured and arrested, and Phin missed his appointment to return home. With the precarious perch, his relationship with his father was on, Phin assumed he lost his chance and lost his family. When he was released he went to the one place he knew, that same damn pub.

He laid off the risky jobs and instead took a job bartending. The owners gave it to him out of respect for him not selling anyone out. It was around this time that Phin met Elena MacArthur and the two fell in love. Two years later they married and bore a son, Jordan Bondurant.

Jordan was brilliant, even for his young age. A trait that put him in the MacArthur family spotlight early on in life. He was the pride of his mother and father. When he became school age his mother's family looked on with interest at exactly how he would shape up. Would he end up an impulsive fool like his father was in his youth? Would he shape up and keep the narrow path? Or would he be.... useful to the family at some point?

Elena caught on to her family's questions and interest and made it very clear Jordan would have nothing to do with the family business. If she had her way Jordan would never even know that world was where she came from. Phineas, however, shared the MacArthur point of view, that Jordan could one day be very profitable. Eventually, Phin began to teach Jordan "math" and how it could be translated into games they liked to play, like blackjack.

When Elena found out she was furious and confronted Phin. Eventually, Phin backed down and dropped it. He agreed that Jordan should have as normal a childhood as he could for as long as he could. This all changed when Jordan turned 12.

As a preteen, Jordan had interests in robots and aliens, the new Doctor Who reboot on BBC, and all things sciencey. He was especially good at math and physics (fancy for more math), which his father always supported. One night his father announced that he wanted his young man to come to guy night at the pub. Elena, forgetting Phin's plans earlier in Jordan's life, happily agreed, and the two Bondurant's were out the door.

Well, the game of the night, as you might have guessed, was blackjack, and it didn't take long for Jordan to learn the rules. Eventually, he was playing like a pro. The night flew by, and they were back home before anyone was the wiser. Elena asked how it went, and Phin (as innocent as can be) told her exactly how it went and how Jordan had so much fun. Elena realized what that meant and became furious.

Phin and Elena argued, and eventually, Phin convinced his wife that he completely forgot about that argument years ago. They settled down, and peace had taken over the house once again. Meanwhile, Jordan wondered what some of the bits he heard through those thin walls meant.

How could someone make money playing games? Wasn't it completely random which cards someone got? Why was mum so furious that dad taught him this game? The next day he approached his father about all this, and his father answered honestly, as he claimed any good father would do.

Apparently, there was a science to it or a mathematical way that someone could predict what card would most likely come up next in a well-shuffled deck. When someone knew exactly what probabilities that could be, compared with their own cards and the cards of everyone else on the table, they had a better chance of winning. Why this could ever be a bad thing Jordan nor his father knew. Phin then asked Jordan how much he really liked playing blackjack, to which Jordan said "a lot."

Eventually, Phin had organized a secret blackjack night with some people he knew, and of course, Jordan was able to come along as well. These were usually at night, and somewhere close by so Phin could get Jordan home in time to not raise any suspicion. Then, some days, Phin would bring home a present for Jordan in the form of textbooks on probability, and worksheets to help Jordan practice. It was their own secret father-and-son hobby.

Jordan became really good at playing blackjack. So good that eventually, Phin had to invite other friends of his from different places to play. It was one of these nights that someone got very mad at Jordan for winning so much and mad at Phin for raising a cheater.

"Oi, I'm not cheating, I'm just better than you! Not my fault you don't know which cards come up next." Jordan told the man matter-of-factly. It was then that looks were exchanged around the room and not a second later the angry man flipped the table, and the fighting started. Jordan ran, and he ran straight out the back door and ran all the way home through the cold wet night.

When he got home it woke Elena up from a dead sleep. She rushed Jordan inside asking all sorts of questions. Jordan was in hysterics, wondering if dad was going to make it home, which he eventually did. Elena rushed Jordan to bed as soon as she could, and she and Phin had the biggest row they ever had. Jordan didn't understand why dad was in trouble, but he was too exhausted to interject. Eventually, he faded to sleep.

The next day Jordan woke up and walked into his dad sleeping on the couch. When he asked his dad what happened his dad was silent and left the house. He was gone for the day. Jordan thought maybe at work, but something about the way Phin left bothered Jordan. His mom woke up soon after, and Elena told Jordan that mum and dad were going to be separated for a while. Jordan was devastated. He knew deep down it was all his fault.

He couldn't focus at school that day, and while normally that would get a child in trouble Jordan's teachers knew something was wrong. The Jordan they remembered always paid attention and loved to learn new things (and teach new things if the teacher allowed it). They sent Jordan home as being sick. Elena didn't argue and let Jordan come home. He spent the day watching science fiction movies and reading his books. He felt like something darker was coming for his family. He had no idea how right he was.

That night Jordan awoke to the sound of something shattering, and when he ran to investigate he saw three men standing over his mother in her room. It looked like she had fallen to the floor and a flower vase nearby was broken. Jordan ran to her, and the men ran out of the room. It was then that Jordan got his first look at death. Her eyes were open, but empty. He called the ambulance.

They came as soon as they could, but there was nothing else they could do. They loaded her up in the ambulance, and the police asked Jordan some questions. The sun started to rise but didn't feel as sunny as it used to be. The police were able to locate Phin, who Jordan already cleared with the police as having not been there when Jordan found his mother's body.

The cops were able to locate the men based on Jordan's descriptions. A couple of them were men from that night not long ago. Apparently, they were upset at Phin for teaching Jordan how to "count cards" and bringing him to games. Phin was arrested for endangering a child and making him gamble while underage. Jordan was sent to live with his mother's family until his father was out of jail.

The rest of Jordan's school year was rough, and eventually, he stopped caring about school altogether. There wasn't anything he couldn't learn on his own outside of school anyway, and he got excellent marks no matter how little schoolwork he did. It was as if Jordan's intelligence was haunting him, teasing him. His own father had used Jordan's intelligence for Phin's gain and it eventually got his mother killed.

He grew to detest the type of people that his mother tried protecting him from, and the MacArthur family left Jordan alone out of respect for Elena. Jordan ignored and hated his father for what he cost them. Eventually, Jordan's view on family life turned sour, and he decided he would dedicate his life to what he loved. Robots and aliens. Science. Trying to leave this horrible planet behind by pouring himself into studies and work. He moved to the states, specifically on the campus of MIT where he joined as a student.

Dr. Jordan Bondurant earned his Ph.D. in Quantum Physics and Relativity and earned a Masters in Robotics before age 30. A lot of his pre-pandemic work paved the way for many technological advances for people worldwide (and beyond depending on in-game space travel being a thing or not). It was in school he met Felicity and instantly became enamored with this woman who matched him step for step with wit and drive.

Their love had combustion stronger than gas and fire. After they had both graduated and had promising positions in their careers they settled down in Washington DC (where Felicity was from) and started a family despite Jordan's many protests. The married and Jordan took on Felicity's last name of Felmoore. It was all coming together, and soon Felicity gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Regina. If this all seems too good to be true, it's because it was. It was later that very year that Felicity was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer.

Losing Felicity destroyed him, but he put on a brave face for Reggie and did the best any single father could with an only daughter. His whole view of family life was of course changed at this point, and somehow with the passing of Felicity he felt like his passion for being a dad grew deeper. As she grew older Reggie watched her father try and hide the struggle of being a single father and tried hard to mind him despite her impossibly strong curiosity for the unknown. A trait no doubt passed on to her from her parents.

Once she was a legal adult she earned her degrees in epidemiology, with a promise to rid the world of the devil that took her mother from them. She could think of no more noble of a pursuit for one's life. When she shared this life's desire with her dad he beamed with pride. She was turning into the same heroine that he saw in her mother.

Reggie's work eventually caught the attention of people in the shadows who had the need for an expert in diseases. They reached out and offered a role in a group that was probing the inky blackness of her greatest weakness, the unknown. Having reached a substantial roadblock in her own studies with cancer she took the bait from these hidden figures if only to have a brief distraction before continuing her fight against the giant that claimed her mother.

Little did she know this distraction put her directly in harm's way, and she became one of the first to fall victim to the airborne virus. Her transition from living to husk was a quick one. She flew too close to the sun and left her father to pick up the pieces...

Dr. Felmoore was devastated, but had a deep feeling that it wasn't too late for her. While her husk remained, Dr. Felmoore used everything in his power to help those he thought were the good guys find a cure for his daughter. It was also around this time that the virus sweeped the world around. The virus rocked the human race, and Jordan eventually discovered his abilities.

As fast as the lightning the strikes from above, Dr. J was suddenly able to absorb and cast out electricity as fast and lethal as a tesla coil, and he could suddenly communicate with any electronic device around him without the need for keyboard or voice commands. It was amazing, and exactly what the hidden figures needed... Dr. Felmoore grew suspicious of these secretive g-men, but as long as he believed his goals were in line with theirs he remained. After coming to terms with his abilities he refocused on the task at hand.

Countless sleepless nights, oceans of sweat and tears, and blurred day-week-month-seasons pushed him to the brink, but in the end it all seemed worth it as they grew closer. He started to believe he would have his daughter back in his arms again.

Until one day the worst tragedy he ever experienced happened to him again. Reggie's husk escaped containment and had to be put down before she harmed anyone. Even with a cure, Reggie wouldn't be able to be saved. All the world-moving he did for her was for naught. Jordan left the compound without a word, and made sure he couldn't be tracked.

Writing Sample: PLACEHOLDER