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09:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Inaya Jasedd

Name: Inaya Jasedd
Height: 114 lbs.
Weight: 5'5"
Age: Appears early 20s in human years
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Amber
Complexion: Tan
Birthplace/Nationality: Ekbir / Baklunish
Birth Date: 2nd Day of Flocktime

Title: Adept/Veteran
Description:  Inaya Jasedd is around average height for a woman of her mixed blood, with a toned physique.   She has the gold-tan complexion of her Baklunish people, along with the amber eyes and auburn hair of the elven father she never met.  She usually clads in the black, grey and dusty-rose shades of her faith, atop mail armor when prepared for trouble, Xan Yae's black lotus symbol ever about her neck. Inaya can be outspoken, but is more likely to be observant, holding her thoughts to herself. Though she chooses her own way in life, she has enough wisdom to recognize a good leader, and makes a reasonable follower when called for.  She employs her short bow as a first choice, but isn't shy with the scimitar, once it must come to close combat.

Notes: Inaya is a half-elf of Baklunish origins, bastard child of a horse trader's wayward daughter and the elvish thief who was briefly her lover. Her grandparents did their best to integrate her into the family, but were unhappy to find her temperament much like her mother's. Even harder to understand, with her fey blood and unusual intuition. Of the family, she grew closest to her oldest cousin, Shimun, who surprised but pleased by her interest, agreed to train her in the skill at arms he had learned.  Her grandparents were not pleased, however, deeming this another instance of Inaya's willfulness, while she should be learning the family business or preparing for marriage.  Neither suited her. She had a love for horses but no knack for commerce, and even less desire for a loss of personal freedom.  The spiritual side of her nature inclined her toward something else and she had been attending the twilight-services at Xan Yae's shrine, finding there a solace she hadn't known before.  Learning the prayers and rites eagerly, she volunteered her time and came to the attention of Xan Yae's clergy.

Years on, Inaya isn't the sort of priestess who goes about in robes and sandals, blessing the crops. Armed with the goddess' sacred curved blade, she's also an archer, happy to feather foes in the manner of the elvish ancestors she has never met.   And as likely to use spells of command, darkness, or a curse, as she is to heal wounds.  She has also been known to do a little gambling.  Just on the side.  As isn't uncommon, Inaya's superiors charged her to undertake a sojourn, so she might learn the wisdom that only the broader world can teach.  Her destination a place she had always wanted to see: Greyhawk.