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11:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Waylon Jones ~ Killer Croc


CHARACTER AGE: Somewhere in his thirties.

The world's a big place and there's plenty in it to make you people feel small, from awe-inspiring natural views and the teeming crowds of bustling cities, from otherworldly demigods come to save us all to trust-fund billionaires who punch monsters.

And of course, there's Waylon Jones.

When stood straight, rather than hunched to go through one of Gotham's conveniently spacious sewer tunnels (or a door) he pushes nine terrifying feet of hellish, atavistic human-reptile hybrid with barely a trace of the man he once was visible in his thick, resilient hide, his broad, many-fanged jaw or the dreadful slit-pupil eyes that glare menacingly from above them.

 They're bright, red-gold eyes mind you - which shine in the dark like a cat - and his scales are a deep enough green to make him blend well into the shadows of his chosen home, if rough enough that he probably ought to look into moisturising more. His shoulders are broad like a Buick and his legs could serve double-duty in the Gotham Natural History Museum, either propping up an exhibit or the roof.

 He dresses one of two ways, as a rule. Either in standard-issue tattered purple-ish trousers and a baggy hooded sweatshirt that's Not Fooling Anyone or in one of several shockingly well tailored suits, complete with silk shirts, waistcoats and size you-don't-want-to-know polished oxfords (not brogues).

SKILLS: Wrestling. Survival Skills. Decent Mechanic. Surprisingly Competent Crime Boss.

POWERS: Superhuman physical abilities. Expert swimmer. Tough skin. Sharp claws and teeth. Regenerates distressingly quickly.


CHARACTER'S ARREST RECORD: Juvenile detention for assault, prosecutions for serial murder, spree murder, murder & manslaughter, multiple RICO prosecutions, prosecutions for larceny, theft, motor vehicle theft, aircraft theft, bank robbery and fencing. Multiple prosecutions for extortion, bank extortion and criminal trespass. Multiple prosecutions for interfering with a corpse (prosecutors note: Cannibalism is not, per se illegal in most states).

CHARACTERS KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Waylon Jones is known to associate with the criminal Dr Pamela Isley, PHD (aka Poison Ivy) as volunteer muscle, the criminal Dr Grace Balin (Orca) as an occasional partner and a number of petty Gotham thugs as a leader. His current status in organised crime is unknown, following his most recent escape from Arkham.