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21:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dominic Rhodes

Name: Dominic 'Dom' Rhodes
Codename: Rook
Age: 30
Occupation: Scout Pathfinder. Deadstep Section. Compound 7

Ability: Momentum control:

You crash a truck full speed into his side, he will make it come at him like a rubber duck, adorable and useless. Allow him to turn that energy back and he will crash the gate and the supporting wall of the building behind it.
This gift doesn't just come from forces due to hit him however, Dominic is equally able to use momentum in his movement to leap or dart forward to a certain distance, the more energy he is able to use, the greater the distance crossed.  If he has enough momentum gathered on the fall and landing he is capable of forcing that energy outward in a force in a shockwave, directed or otherwise.

Weakness: While Dominic can use momentum energy to leap into the air, he still has to obey the laws of gravity, unless he has energy reserved to help recover on impact he will break bones, and that's assuming he is even alive. Dominic has been training himself to harness the moving energy around him as he falls to make this less of a possibility. The only way Dominic can prepare to absorb incoming momentum energy is if he knows in enough time what is incoming, if he cannot see it, it will still cause some serious hurt.

Other Skills: Trained to what would be classed as special forces, as standard, as all other members of D'elite. Finese in small firearms, battle tactics and so forth. On more of a bespoke note, Dominic's knowledge of the terrain among the wastes Compound 7 and beyond, capable of keeping tabs on Mutant migration patterens and Adelphi routes, logistical and tactical movement. Being a tracker Dominic knows what it takes to rough it out in the wastes. Fortunetly Compound 7 would provide dried provisions as and when required. Still, knowing how to skin and cook a rabbit or other such critter can keep oneself from the brink of starvation.

Theme song: Thunderstruck

Physical Description: 6ft1 Tall with years of incredible endurance and stamina training that has only enhanced and define his build into a chisled thing of beauty. Piercing green eyes, hay brown messy brown hair. Being apart of the compound's D'elite corps, one needs to be prepped for anything and everything and this is often displayed by Dominic with his fasion choices, he might not live and sleep in khaki military wear but blue jeans, vests and muscle shaped shirts gurantee pracitcality meaning all Dominic has to do is suit up with his gear and head straight out into any zone of operations.

Distinguishing Features: Facial hair aint uncoming for Dominic, the length and style of it is a sign of if he had just returned from a recent tracking run, otherwise he just loves the shape it gives his cheeks. The compound is extremely fortunate to have access to ink pigmenting and a talented tattoo artist that only offers his real artistry to those who deserve it, hence why you're more likely to find the D'Elite to be baring ink than other's that call Compound 7 their home. On his left forarm bares two straight scars, each one said to mark each time he saw something did as a failure in the line of duty with the belief of you shouldn't let your mistakes haunt you but never forget them lest you are keen to repeat them.

History: Ten years is a long time when you're surviving and fighting against the monsters that come with the territory that is the end of the world. Ten years can fly past you when you are selected, trained and modeled to be the best of the best, to not only protect your home but to remind the world that villainy never thrives. When all about you is fire and death, the good guys don't call it a day, they just call in aeriel support with a spicy kick of their own fire and whoop-ass. Dominic barely remembers what happened to him before finding and calling compound 7 his home, he simply remembers that he was picked up by a group of scavengers that brought him there when he was bleeding out. All he knows that they did far more than just patch him up, turns out the president of the compound was an appreciator of those who could survive under the most extinguating of circumstances and was invited to take part in some drills and exercise tests to see how competent in a more military based environment. As it just so happened Dominic (aka now as Rook) didn't survive some more but thrived and by his official invitation to the corps he was certainly giving other members of the group a run for their money, sometimes even losing it to him in on the side bets. Rook was soon put to work being placed amongst the scavengers as an external scout and tracker, he appreciated this as he could show his appreciation and pay the waywards back for saving his life.

Additional information: Dominic's weapon of choice is a 3D printed powerhouse of a marksman rifle, lightweight with high torque energy absorbers (to which comes in handy when you have the power to harness that power personally) to help keep aim straight and true when you are right in the enemy's face