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Welcome to The Forsaken Regiment

10:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sedril Crovast

Name: Sedril Crovast
Race: Suli
Class: Vorpal Knight (no archetype)
Description of personality:

Sedril is a sociable and somewhat arrogant young man. He knows he is skilled in physical combat and isn't afraid to admit it. He is a bit ashamed of his ability to consume and use the souls of his fallen foes, so he may try to avoid the subject in casual company. He sees his soul-consuming as a sin, but a sin he plans to continue committing. He hopes being part of the Forsaken Regiment will help to balance his transgressions.


Sedril never knew his human father, and was raised by his jann mother. Sort of. She was a capricious woman who loved flying off on various adventures or missions of revenge, which meant Sedril was often left at a boarding school or similar establishment for extended periods. She justified it by saying her son needed to spend time with other mortals getting to know his human roots, but that was clearly more of an excuse than a reason.

And so Sedril's early life was a chaotic hodgepodge of locales and caregivers, causing him to have trouble attaching to anyone long-term. And being half jann only made it that much harder to feel like he fit in anywhere. But he was still usually rather sociable and showed considerable skill in various fighting styles at an early age. He sought out formal training when he was finally old enough to look after himself.

It was one particular instructor (who had dabbled in magic) who helped him learn how to harness the power of souls. The idea had started as a way to harness the power of his jann heritage to strengthen his combat capability, but it soon became clear that he had unlocked something more powerful than that. He had discovered how to bind the souls of other creatures on his own. He eagerly experimented with his new gifts, excited to show his mother the next time she flew into town. But his mother was appalled by how Sedril had "tainted" himself and ended up disowning the young man.

It was in shame and in realization that his mother may have had a point that Sedril sought out the Forsaken Regiment at Lastwall. He decided to join their ranks as a way to seek redemption for his soul-consuming talents. Especially considering he had no intention to stop using said talents if they would help him survive.