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21:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Noah Hale

General Information

Name: Noah Hale (true name Christos Vallas)

Nickname: N/A

Species: Appears Human

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Physical information

Gender: Male

Age: Appears to be in his mid to late 30s (735 years old)

Human Hair Color: Brown

Human Eye Color: Green (eyes tend to glow when he taps into his powers)

Human Distinguishing Marks: There is a deep scar on his left palm, circular in shape with an odd symbol in the middle. Though the scar remains, it seems to be fading with time. His body hosts several scars from past altercations during his travels- the most prominent of which is a jagged scar across the right side of his abdomen.

Human Description of General Appearance: Noah Hale is a man of average height and exceptional build. Over the years, he has developed a lean musculature that speaks volumes of how hard he works in his chosen profession.

Noah is best described as ruggedly handsome, but his attitude is a little off putting, driving some away. Attraction is a matter of perception, and he tends to avoid notice whenever possible.

While he does clean up quite well, and fills out a suit or tux nicely, Noah prefers to dress in more casual clothing.

Noah keeps his hair short and out of the way, and usually has his beard neatly trimmed or clean-shaven altogether. But, from time to time, his facial hair has gone unchecked- a clear sign that work or something else is causing him serious stress.

Alternate Appearance: None. (None, at the moment, at least- though he is able to change his appearance through the use of magic.)

Society Information

Occupation: Owner of Hale Investigations and part-time shop keep at Needful Things.

What brought you to Port Washington? Simple curiosity.

How long has your character been here? Noah first visited the city two weeks after Mayor Drisberry's ad went public, just to see what all of the fuss was about. Three months later, the Hale brothers had moved to Port Washington and opened up two separate businesses- a curio shop called 'Needful Things' and Noah's P.I. business, 'Hale Investigations'. The Hales are well established members of society, to the point where most recognize them when they see one of the brothers out roaming the streets. While they have not been in town long enough to be considered 'old money,' the Hales' wealth has played a part in quite a few additions to the city, as well as many public events and festivals, in the last thirteen years. Whether they support the Mayor or not is up for debate, but it's clear that they care for Port Washington and its inhabitants.

Personality Details

Personality: Noah is gruff, quirky and more than a little hard to read, more often than not. Many would consider him standoffish or grouchy even, but the truth is- he tends to drive people away on purpose. Deep down, he is a wise-ass, intelligent guy with a penchant for dry humor, witty retorts, and the ability to make any serious situation trivial, in hopes of lightening the mood.

He has a lot of years under his belt, and a lot of knowledge to go with them. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as the simple curiosity of a scientist or a scholar.

Noah has an unmatched love for the world, the people in it, and the way things work. He is not against violence, but he doesn't like to participate unless absolutely necessary. In his line of work, it's necessary more often than he would like.

Overall, he is a witty, intelligent man. Those who get close to him may or may not get tired of his smartass comments, but they'll know that under that standoffish facade, he's a decent, caring guy.

Strengths: Noah often speaks on his patience when dealing with his brothers, and he would consider that one of his strengths. However, his greatest strength is his discipline. When the need arises, he is more than capable of pushing emotions off to the side, until the job is done.

Weaknesses: Noah has a deep seated love for all things mortal. Though some would consider it a strength, in truth, it's his greatest weakness. If you have something to love, you have something to lose.

Fears: Noah isn't scared of death, monsters, heights or anything like that. Really, his greatest fear is failing. Not necessarily failing others, but failing himself and becoming someone that he no longer recognizes.

Background/History: Noah and his brothers have gone to great lengths to make sure their history remains veiled in mystery and rumors- none of which are factual, of course. While this does bring suspicion to the family name, it's much easier to deal with the odd glances than to share the truth.

From time to time, Noah or one of the brothers will speak fondly about their father. But, oddly enough, they've never mentioned his name.

This secrecy isn't anything new to the people of Port Washington -many of the supernaturals have done sketchy things in the past that they hope never come to light- but as semi-public figures, it draws more attention than Noah likes, on occasion.

Skills and Abilities

Education:Noah studied under his father, who was a scholar in his own right. The man was well versed in the ways of the world, as well as the people and creatures who inhabit it.

Non-Educational Skills: Anyone who has lived as long as Noah has picked up a few skills here and there, intentionally or otherwise. Outside of his profession, he has several mundane skills that he's picked up over the years, such as driving a car or operating a computer for example. Basic day to day stuff. That said, he is a talented singer and he can play the guitar very well, when the opportunity presents itself.

Professionally, Noah has been a P.I. for quite some time. He opened his first office years and years ago, and found that he loved the job. Over the years, he has learned many skills that come with that line of work- such as acute observation, deductive reasoning, marksmanship, crafting disguises, hacking, safe cracking, lockpicking, photography and many other talents that come with a career investigator.


Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Half-Titan Physiology - While most of Noah's magic is inherited from his mother, he took after his father in physical appearance and build. Titans, in general, are a very hardy species- when they are at full strength, at least. Much more durable than the average human, or mountain for that matter, Titans are a force to be reckoned with on the field of battle. The power of the Titans is not just in their durability, but it is also in their overwhelming physical strength and an impressive healing factor. However, due to his half-titan/half-god parentage, he is not nearly as strong or as durable as his father and the other Titans. Noah is ageless and very difficult to kill -being a god in his own right- but he can be killed if enough effort is put into the endeavor. His skin is hard, only allowing weapons of magical origin to pass through. On top of that, Noah is unable to catch a plague, much less a common cold. In general, he can run faster, lift much more, jump higher and do many things that mortal beings could not.

Jack Of All Trades - As the offspring of a goddess of witchcraft, Noah has an affinity for all types of spellwork. Whether it be elemental spells, hexes, enchantments, ritualistic summonings, communing with spirits, etc... he has a knack for it all, an inherent talent if you will. That said, he is not an expert in all types of magic, it's just that he is capable of dipping into different schools of the craft, whenever the need arises. Noah specializes in elemental magic, warding, enchantments, telepathic communication, potion brewing, teleportation and summonings, as well as a plethora of utility spells that he uses on a day to day basis that don't quite fall into any particular school of magic. Though he is quite versatile in his craft, he is not all knowing and is certainly not all powerful. Noah has room to grow and learn. Like many spell-slingers, Noah relies heavily on his magical reserves when casting spells. This, of course, limits what he can cast and when he can cast it, rather than simply allowing him to throw spell after spell out into the world without consequence. When drained completely, his reserves take hours or even days to build back up, which forces him to put some thought into his craft, rather than abuse it for his own benefit.

Joshua Madani:
Magic is a story you tell the universe. It's a woven tale meant to justify an end by changing the means. It is a hammer. It is a paintbrush. It is a typewriter and a bolt-cutter. A screwdriver and a draftsman's table. It is a canvas, and it is paint. It is a study and an art as broad as the universe and as shallow as the layer of moisture that coats a living eye. It is the ultimate tool for expressing a thought or building an empire. It forms part of the foundation of reality itself, and with it, anything is possible.

Progenitor - Much like his father, Prometheus, Noah is capable of molding life out of mud and clay. While Athena is not around to breathe life into his creations, Noah is able to utilize his arcane knowledge to his advantage, and create a soul from scratch. The process of creating a soul is incredibly draining, however. So, he generally only makes golems- beings made of clay that he controls, personally, through the use of magic. These golems can range from the shell of a human to that of an ogre or giant, depending on his preference at the time. Noah often enchants these golems, sometimes to act as guardians on his behalf, and at other times to simply make them fit the role they are meant to play. For example, if he were to create a vampire, he would shape it as such and enchant the body with necromantic magics, to keep it from aging and to give it the aura of one of the undead. Even to the sharpest eyes, inhuman and human alike, these creations appear to be the genuine article, indistinguishable from their real life counterparts. One would not be able to tell the difference between a true human or creature and a golem made by Noah. Their appearance, aura and even their scent being convincing to even the most heightened supernatural senses. Christian and Sebastian Hale, Noah's 'brothers,' are two such creatures. Constantly controlling these two golems, giving them their own personality and character without actually giving them free will... it's draining. Noah is only able to control a maximum of three golems at a time, and the third seems to drain his magic reserves heavily, if left under his control for too long. However, there is a benefit to controlling multiple golems at once. Noah is able to see, smell, hear, taste and feel what his golems sense, effectively expanding his own senses in a way. On another note, through the use of this shaping power, Noah is able to reshape his own body and take on a new alias, which he has done countless times over the centuries.


What concept would you like to be considered in the game?
The Hale family consists of three brothers- Noah, Christian and Sebastian. The Hales have been in Port Washington for some time now, and are known by most, even if only in name. The brothers are quite wealthy, though you wouldn't know it by looking at them. Throughout the years, they've made countless donations of their time and money to various community projects and organizations around town. It's hard to say if they support Mayor Drisberry or not, but it's clear that they support Port Washington and its place as a sanctuary for the supernatural. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the Hales have helped build a good portion of the town, in recent years.

How do you see other players interacting with your build?
I see the Hale family as very down to earth and in touch with the mythical and mundane societies in Port Washington. Each of the three brothers takes on a life of their own in the community. Christian is the owner and manager of the 'Needful Things' curio shop, while Sebastian works with Dwight at the Empty Bottle- hoping to one day buy the establishment. Noah plays a more direct role in Port Washington, depending on your point of view, and does what he can to help keep the peace as a private investigator. Noah and Sebastian also help out at Needful Things when they have the time, though Christian does have an assistant or two on the payroll.

What would you need for this build:
1. An NPC named 'The Hale Family'.
2. A curio shop thread entitled 'Needful Things'.
3. A home thread entitled 'Hale Family Home'.
4. A business thread entitled 'Hale Investigations'.