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14:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Malachi Mathace

Name:Malachi Mathace
Nickname: Mal
Field Name: Ace
Age: 32
Faceclaim: Kellan Lutz
Is your character a League member or a recruit? Neither.  Elite Force - Commander at Compound 7
Occupation on the Campbell Compound 7:  Weapons Engineer at Compound 7

Theme song: Rule the World

Physical Description: The first thing people tend to notice about Malachi is his size because of this, he often makes an intimidating first impression.  His heigh he received from the Mathace size of his family and towers over many at 6 feet 4 inches.  It isn’t just his height, but the 225 pounds of pure muscle that comes with it.  Unlike his height, his bulk was not hereditary. It has taken him many years to get to where he is physically, but being in a gym and working his body helps keep his mind off the darker parts of his history.

His light-colored skin is touched with warm undertones, revealing that he spends time out in the sun, but not enough to keep the bronze color from fading. The color brings out his vivid, arctic blue eyes, framed by thick black lashes people once paid to achieve.  When he is working, they are often hid by dark rimmed glasses. Malachi’s dirty blonde hair has been many different lengths over the years – from shorn close to his scalp, to long enough to curl around his ears. Currently, it is just long enough for him to run his fingers through, the tips of some strands beginning to curl.

There are no piercings on his body, and the only tattoos he has inked into his skin run up his forearm – several dates.  There is one other tattoo on the side of his neck that is obviously an ID number.

Brief History:  Malachi Mathace was born in the great State of Texas to Joel Mathace, a Youth Pastor of their local small-town church, and Abigail, his high school sweetheart, who went on to be the 1st Grade teacher of the same school she and her husband met at.

Within their first ten years of marriage, they brought four boys into the world. Malachi was the oldest. When his mother was diagnosed and eventually succumbed to ovarian cancer, he took up the mantle to help raise his younger brothers. At the same time, his father worked three jobs to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

His mother instilled a love for learning and an appreciation for education at a very early age. It was something he held onto even after her death.  When he struggled to balance high school and help with his brothers, he dropped out and started homeschooling. He was able to do his own work around his part-time job and driving them to and from school and practices.  His hard work paid off, and he graduated at 17 years old.

Malachi started college right after he graduated from high school. Four years later, he finished with honors and a double-major in mechanical and electrical engineering.

At the age of 21, he joined the Army and was a member of the 160th for eight years.  His first two years in, he spent more time in the Middle East than he did on American soil - experiencing things that he still suffers from but has told very few people about.

His military time didn't end when the virus began. He spent four years helping bring down the mutants, establish Compounds, and get people from the Waste.  When his Unit disbanded, Malachi was sent to work guard duty at Adelphi Compound. During that time, those in charge discovered his military and engineering experience. They offered him a job with hefty compensation.

Malachi had heard the rumors about what happened in the labs, the desires for the weapons that were being created and distributed if he bowed to Adelphi's communistic ways.

He accepted the offer to appease them but took advantage of the small-time between his clearances as security was revoked and becoming one of their pawns - he left the Compound behind and started his trek across the Waste.

It was during that time he met a few individuals that were making their way to a hidden Compound. He figured he didn't have anything to lose, so he joined them.  Six months later, they arrived at the edge of the Nomad camp and were introduced to Griffin and Arria Thane.  Some of their group chose the nomads, but Arria had more to offer in his expertise.

So he joined Compound 7 and the rest.. is history.