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Welcome to Ancient Magic / Ancient Chaos

16:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Davor was born in a tribe of orc nomads who wandered the wilderness on the borders of civilized lands. Being a half-breed, Davor was not particularly welcome among the tribe. This was exacerbated by the visions and the voices. Even as a young child he was haunted and confused by strange occurrences and he could see things that others could not. When Davor was in his thirteenth year, the tribe's shaman recognized some of what was happening to Davor and took the young man into his tutelage. Orc shamans are not kindly taskmasters and Davor suffered more abuse from his master than he ever had at the hands of the tribe. As he suffered however, Davor did begin to understand the voices and master the arts the shaman taught him. When he was sixteen, guided by the voices, Davor left the tribe and ventured into civilized land in pursuit of his destiny.

Davor is huge when compared to humans, but not compared to the orcs that raised him. He wears his thick black hair in dreadlocks woven with beads and bones. His green eyes are sharp and piercing. His grey skin is covered in the thick black tribal tattoos of the orc shamans. He wears armor that bears all the hallmarks of the orc tribes: a seemingly haphazard mixture of various pieces covered in war paint. A wolf skull serves as a pauldron for his left arm and many other armor pieces bear large iron spikes. He carries a scythe as a weapon to complete his aesthetic.

Davor was raised by orcs and so did not learn many of the customs of civilized society until he decided to join it as an adult. This, combined with the influence of the spirits, causes him to act strangely. Far from trying to hide his unusual nature, Davor revels in it. He uses his mannerisms to keep others off guard and unsettled which can occasionally give him an edge. The spirits tell Davor many things, but he also occasionally embellishes or outright invents prophecies for his own benefit and amusement. In battle, Davor is every bit as fierce as an orc warrior. He charges into the thick of things swinging his scythe, but also uses the powers granted by the spirits to channel potent magic.