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Welcome to Deathtrap Dungeon (solo) [Advanced Fighting Fantasy]

14:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Charifa Mrabet

Charifa Mrabet is a Summerian Nomad who roams the bleak badlands with her Clan (her name in the Summerian dialect means “Daughter to Mrabet born on a Moonless Night”.  She might be considered a “noble savage” type person to people who live in the more civilized regions.  She is a 16-year old girl who is tall and lithe, standing 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighing only 110 pounds.  She is dark ebony skinned with dark eyes and she keeps her jet black hair cropped very close; and sometimes shaves it entirely bald altogether. She oils her skin with animal fat to give it a soft sheen, Running down the outside of her right thigh, starting at her hip, she has a series of brand-mark scars written in Summerian runes that list the kills and significant accomplishments of note in her young life.  Thus far there are only three such brands -- one describing a leopard that she slew when defending her Tribe’s flock; another memorializing her bravery when she dashed into a burning tent to rescue the infant son of the Tribe Elder, saving his life; and the third describes her first and only combat with a band of raiding Goblins - slaying one before she drove off the others.  Charifa longs for the day both legs are adorned with the brands of her future victories.

When she is going about her everyday household duties or visiting to trade at the village market, Charifa wears the bright, gaudy colored silken fabrics favored by her people and an assort of bronze and copper necklaces. But when she is out scouting or hunting, she dons a cuirass of studded goat leather and high-strapped sandals over which is lain a light, airy hooded cloak of earthen colors to protect her against the cold desert nights.

Physically, Charifa is a very beautiful, exotic looking young woman but because she comes off as somewhat aloof, quiet and speaks with a heavy Summerian accent in those rare moments(for which she is very self conscious around non Tribemembers) that she does speak at all, her net Charisma score will be quite low.

Given her life growing up in the wilds with her Tribe, her best class concept would seem to be Ranger - Hunter type.

I would say Charifa’s primary motivations are:  Loyalty to her Tribe; a strong desire to gain the love and respect of her father, Mrabet, and an overall hunger to seek thrills and adventure and see the world.

Having reached the age of adulthood at 16, the women of her Tribe are expected to marry and bear children.  Her Summerian people are polygamists. The most desirable husbands are older, wealthier men who have the most wives and children and flocks -- cattle being the most prestigious; sheep next and goats lowest.  Being so beautiful, more than a few eligible husbands have been eyeing Charifa.  Koffi Oomena, the wealthiest man in the Clan has offered Charifa’s father an unheard of dowry of 50 head of cattle for Charifa’s hand.  Charifa wants none of that!  She has stridently protested the arranged marriage and recently made Mrabet an offer:  “Permit me, Father, to go on Walkabout like the Sons of the Tribe.  A year and a day --, no more, no less, to find my fortune.  And on the blessed name of Spring Rain, I swear I shall gift to you gold worth a hundred head!  And should I fail in that endeavor, then I shall return and marry Koffi Oomena and bear him many strong sons and make you proud.” So, as you can see, Charifa will be eager to find treasure in her adventuring, to buy her freedom from an arranged marriage, to help her Tribe, and above all, to gain the love and respect of her father.

Hailing from a Tribe that ekes out a difficult existence in the harsh, unforgiving Summerian Desert, it is no wonder that this Tribe worships Water.  I don’t want to deviate too far off the Deity/Religion system you have established for your world, but perhaps this small isolated Tribe may have developed its own system of deities and demi-gods based on life-giving Water.  Though Charifa worships the Gods and Goddesses of Rain - she also possesses a deep fear of water -- especially deep bodies of water and fast moving waterways.  She knows how to swim - but she does possess a deep-rooted phobia of drowning.  That would likely be her biggest fear.

As far as what Charifa hates most -- I would say -- she hates when rich, civilized aristocrat types, or those in positions of power, look down upon and oppress the less fortunate of the world.  She hates bullies who pick on weaker people.  She hates to see injustices go unavenged.  She has a soft spot for women and children and animals and rarely tolerates seeing them abused.

So, I think this gives you a good idea what I'm thinking of playing if it meets your approval.  I would ask your help in helping me generate a Ranger type character.  I’m sure some of the stuff I mentioned above may clash with your concept of the game, etc., so don’t be afraid to tweak, veto, or change anything.

Let me know if you’d like to accept me and then I’ll need a little help creating her sheet based on game mechanics.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!