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Welcome to The Expanse: 2350

23:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kala Sui

Gender: Female
Age:  25 (born June 21, 2325)
Height: 5'7" 1.7m
Weight: 127 lbs 57.6 k
Eyes: Dark
Hair: Dark, cut short
Ethnicity: Latina

Background: How much does the geography of our birth determine who we will be? A whole shit load if you were born outside of the upper class enclaves in North America, or Europe or China. But on rare occasions, that which taketh away also giveth. Quito is the capital city of Ecuador, pretty much smack dab on the equator of the planate Earth at an elevation close to 10,000 feet. And though throughout most of modern history, the city has been a shit hole and a hive of slums, ghettos and gang violence, the mechanics of launching a rocket into space give a distinct acceleration advantage to launch sites located on the equator. You are already moving many kilometers an hour faster than the rest of the surface. Almost 500 kph more than you would be moving at the poles.

And that advantage, multiplied a hundred times every day for every launch, give Quito something the rest if the world does not have: A bird's eye view of The Way Out.

Kala Sui grew up in a slum on the side of a mountain, but every day she watched the rockets launch, and counted the hours until she would be old enough to make the jump into space. And the fastest route she could find was by joining the Navy. She had grown up scrawny, but fast enough and smarter than most to avoid the traps of prostitution and drug running. When she was sixteen she applied to the Navy. They turned her down. Too young. But the recruiting officer told her to come back the day she turned seventeen.

She served for six years, learning the skills to be a pilot and navigator, and had pretty much settled into the idea that she would do her twenty and muster out as a flight officer for one of the big private transport companies.

All that came to an end when she was set up to take the fall for a drug-smuggling ring running within the navy. She made the mistake of turning left rather than right in a corridor and seeing a transaction she should not have seen. In retrospect, she realizes she was lucky they didn't just space her on the spot. Instead, they put her in a frame and she was dishonorably discharged from the Navy for drug smuggling.

There were those in the chain of command who understood it was a trumped-up charge and she did not serve any time in the brig, other than a few months during the Court Martial. And then she was out. Scrabbling for credits with a black mark on her resume, but a set of skills that were still very saleable. The pilot of an ice hauler? OK. That'll do for now.

But who was behind ruining her life? That was an itch she knew she should not scratch. And if she ever found out, what could she do about it? The one thing her life has taught her is that we are all tiny little dots in a huge universe, mostly powerless, mostly moved around by bigger forces. But every now and then, you get a chance to do something you don't think you can.