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Welcome to Curse These Mists - 3.X Ravenloft (Adult Content)

01:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aloric the Lost

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180#
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Race: Human
Class(es): Rogue
Alignment: Neutral

Standing just a smidge under 6 feet tall, Aloric is a dashingly handsome human in his late 20s to early 30s with a countenance that projects a relaxed confidence borne not from arrogance, but rather a calm resignation that life is going happen to whether you're ready for it or not. He wears his brown hair longer than most soldiers (of which he definitely does not purport to be), letting it hang loosely just above his shoulders. His blue eyes are exceptionally enchanting, having served equally well in charming the undergarments off of members of the fairer sex as in convincing the local constabulary that the charges brought against him were clearly fabricated.

His dress is generally rather simple traveler's clothes, and typically matches what is considered common in whatever city, town, or village he finds himself in, while a well made cloak of midnight blue with slight flecks of silver throughout, is generally wrapped around him. No armor is readily apparent, and the only visible weapon is an immaculately carved darkwood quarterstaff. A well-worn brown backpack is the only other possession he carries.