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Welcome to Masks: The Bonds we Forge

07:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


the "Reformed"

Real NameDurapatta Gavri
LookDesi, casual, Docs, hips out to here

AbilitiesGravity manipulation
Moment of TruthYou’ve seen your greatest mistakes, and the rest of the world has, too. They’re all watching you now, judging every move you make. When everything is on the line and your back is against the wall, though, you’ll show them what you’re made of—that being a hero is a choice. An act of will. And you’ve got what it takes to save the day. Of course, afterward, you can expect both sides, hero and villain, to deeply question where your loyalties truly lie...
Team MovesWhen you share a moment of triumph with someone, ask them what gives them hope for a brighter day and give them Influence.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them what they would do something dark for and gain Influence over them.



Playbook Moves
Blowing Off SteamWhat the Hell, Hero?


 Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat)
 Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
 Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
 Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers)
 Insecure (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)

- Who mentored you in supervillainy?The United Earth Defense Force.  You call it villainy; I call it survival.  Our earth is still here, and the other two sides of that war aren't.  I don't believe for a moment you'd have done differently no matter how much I wanted to.
- Who first showed you that you could do good?Good is dumb.  Evil is dumb.  They only exist to control people with ideas when you can't do it with force.  I know what you mean, but I'm sticking by this point.  I did what I had to.  Now I don't have to, and I couldn't if I tried.  Believe me; I tried.
- What was your goal as a villain?Stability.  Peace when it was possible.  Back when they called me a villain—to my face—it was for making rich people infinitesimally less rich.  My goal was larger fractions.  My goal when your reckless high-energy lab yanked me away from pursuing it was keeping the population of Sri Lanka from sabotaging the prayer wheels keeping the island afloat.  I wonder how that went.
- What caused you to switch sides?Grim necessity.  I don't understand how a little wormhole-jousting could get us anchored to each other's... each other's whatever we came away with.  Like, is this her body?  How would I know?  Is your whole reality just harder to do what I do in, so without the conduit open I'm a weakling?  Whatever, I know I can't take on the rest of the team at once any more, and I'm not interested in making nice with the same scrub-league "villains" I launched out of the elliptic back home.  So I guess I'm a Good Guy® now.
- Why do you care about the team?At least these people are sort of familiar, when nothing much else is.  I see little familiar expressions, or figures of speech.  The differences are bigger, yeah, but not as big as the difference in how much of New York is standing.

When our team first came together...
We destroyed our surroundings in the fight. Where was it? What did we destroy?Hm.  You know what the cruel version of a nova has to be?  Bigger.  That's almost problem enough on its own.  Bigger and a looser cannon.  We didn't destroy our surroundings in the fight.  Well, technically 'we' did.  And I suppose factually we did, too—just because Liberty can survive being thrown through a few walls doesn't make it a reasonable tactical choice.
We fought a terrible enemy from my old life. Who was it and what did they take from me?The terrible enemy was Tidelock herself.  But she belongs to her old life, the one on Earth 408.  And the snotty brat who belongs to this life took that life from her.  The two gravity-controllers proved to be entirely too much additional space-bending, when they came into close contact, and when the experiment ended, the wrong one was banished.  Now the otherworld villain is stuck here, with only the power and all of the expectations Lightweight used to have.  She's been pretending to be her own alter-ego to stay safe while looking for a way to reverse the process, but it increasingly seems like the swap might be for good.  That's a lot to adjust to.

I’ve earned the trust of Darkfire, and it went the same way it did with Harbinger.  I wonder how she'd take finding out.  Granted, when it was Harbinger, I raised the barrier behind people, not in front.  The backlash from her wasn't accidental.  I follow her example of what a hero should be, and there's nothing insincere about that.  She's taking the whole demon thing to the chin when she could just keep herself safe from it, because of who would be in the path if she moved.  She understands.
I did something terrible to Belinay once, and she doesn't even know.  The Lunarians, back home...  It was the moon or the earth, and there was no time for an evacuation.  Besides, they might have tried to stop us if we warned them.  It's always uncomfortable hearing her talk about home, even if all of that just... didn't happen, here.

InfluenceThey HaveYou Have
Belinay X
Darkfire X
Lady LibertyX 

What the Hell, Hero?When you call out an injustice that a hero has perpetrated, roll +Danger. On a hit, take Influence over them. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+, choose two: {You get them to admit their wrongdoing; You win over an onlooker; take Influence over them; You don’t turn their attention and anger onto yourself.}  On a miss, they dismiss you; mark a condition(their choice), shift Danger up, Savior down.
Blowing Off SteamWhen you commit a misdemeanor or small “victimless” crime, you may clear a condition of your choice.

Shady contacts
The ƔetimianAlien tech
Unit OInsider info
Dr. OwolabeMaterials