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Welcome to ~~ SILVERMOON AGENCY ~~ {Adult}

21:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gaston Dupry ~ GD Vampire

Character Name: Gaston DuPry
Age: Born 1766, Appears as 24 years old
Description: Tall, dark haired male, with piercing dark eyes, that occasionally flash green when excited or aroused. Slender build, slightly pale.
Gaston favors Parisian cut suits, in tasteful, understated colors, giving an air of quiet luxury.

Skills: Gaston has spent many years honing his skills at martial arts, focusing on quick, disabling blows. He has moderate skills with firearms, though he rarely carries a gun. He has a solid familiarity with the world of international business, banking, and commerce, and has a good grasp of French, English, Italian, Spanish and German. He is widely read, and has a lifelong curiosity about the world.

Weakness: Gaston has three weaknesses - sunlight, crucifixes, and women, who can still run circles around him after 200+ years.

Faction or Race:  Good vampire

Character History: My name is Gaston Dupry. I was born in 1766, in Gascony, of respectable, landowning gentry. In the autumn of 1790, at 24, my family and I had to flee France during The Great Fear, when the French Revolution spread forth from Paris and engulfed the countryside. We were crossing the Pyrenees, and got separated on the winding mountain trails in the night, and killed by a female vampire. She resurrected me, and I lived with her lover and her pupil for almost 20 years, until she was accidentally slain in the madness of the Napoleonic Wars in Spain.

Since that time, I have roamed the Earth, ever in the night. Over the year, I have developed my own personal code, if you will. Oui, je suis un prédateur. I accept that I am a predator. I feast upon the blood of the living, and I savor every crimson drop. But I strive ever to only kill and drink the blood of evil men - murderers, rapists, child abusers, sadists, those who themselves prey upon their fellow men.

For many years I worked alone, preferring areas at war, or in turmoil, but always coming back to the bright lights of the cities for the arts and culture. Over the years, I have amassed a modest fortune, but I must confess, I have  a deep wariness of these new things that the mortals have contrived, these ordinateurs - what is the English word? - ‘Computers’,  and cell phones, that at heart, I really don’t understand.

I only came into L'Agence Lune d'Argent - the Silvermoon Agency - recently, and with some reluctance. But I am coming to fear the attention that vicious, indiscriminately predatory vampires and werewolves are bringing on The Children of the Night. Otherwise I would have preferred to live and let live.

So, while I hunt and kill, I strive ever NOT to let my baser, blood lusting instincts devour me. I like intelligent company, especially the 21st century's liberated, educated women. I will act, and act swiftly and  decisively, to protect the innocent, but I also know that if too many dead bodies turn up, it attracts the attention of the authorities. Come, let us see what the night holds.

: Shapeshifter (Bat)
: Able to sense other vampires, werewolves & Humans
: Instant Reflexes
: Heightened senses - enhanced hearing
: Telepathic