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15:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lyssandre Orynth

Name: Lyssandre “Lys” Orynth

Occupation: Spearman

Age: Appears anywhere from 20-50 depending on the day, the lighting, how much you’re paying attention

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero


Appearance: When Lys walks into a room, often the first thing noticed is how tall and skinny he is, creating an awkward look with too much leg and arms for his frame. His tan eyes are often covered by tendrils of brown shaggy hair that falls in the way. His gaze often carries a faraway look as he ponders things a million miles away, or at least from a lifetime ago.

As he moves, one might catch glimpses of a scar on the inside of his left forearm. At a glance, it might look like nothing more than a mark left from some battle the group he accompanies might have seen. Yet, on closer inspection, the jagged form of a heart shape can be seen, the top of the heart angled towards his thumb, while the bottom point nearly touches the inside of his elbow. Inside the heart, the rough forms of letters can be picked out against the skin there. G + K. Easily ignored as possibly making sense, until one realizes that neither letter fits with Lys’s name. Mostly, the scar is covered, however, keeping it out of sight, specifically when he’s in a town or area where there is more than just his group around.

Personality: Lyssandre is often the quietest of the group, watching more than participating in the conversation, but don’t think he isn’t listening. He can come across as absentminded, or at least distracted, which he is. Quite often. But, after the life he’s lived, such slights are often forgiven, at least by his friends. Those bound to help him out of no more loyalty than he helped them often enough...and Rayze says so.

While lost in thought, or considering the answer to some question, Lys often absently traces the inside of his left forearm, specifically tracing the scar whenever his mind drifts to that time, and to her, clueing in any that know where his mind has gone and whether or not he needs distracted from it.

Aside from that, Lyssandre is often the first to offer help to a friend. Or someone in need. Often to the detriment of himself. However, such a trait allowed him to befriend Rayze, who now takes it upon himself to pull Lys from whatever danger helping those in need might cause. A necessity that Lys is grateful for, even if he might not admit it aloud.

Lys has a romantic heart, pining for a woman and kicking himself for not taking the chance when it was right in front of him. He gets in his own way a lot, by backing down from the things he wants the most, out of a fear he might lose it entirely in the attempt.

Tree-Form Illusion - Lyssandre has the ability to make people think they see a tree when looking at him. He can extend the illusion to a small group of people, no more than ten. It takes concentration on his part, and the more he is trying to hide, the more concentration it takes. Those under the illusion see themselves as normal. For example, when Lys hides himself and Rayze, they see each other as they are while those around them see two trees in their place.

Spearman - As an attempt to be not entirely useless during a battle when the need to conceal the group isn’t necessary, Lyssandre learned how to use a spear. While he is in no way an expert, he is also not a bumbling idiot with one either.

History: As children growing up, Lys loved Keiran. Back then, the class structure didn’t matter as much as it did when they grew up, pulling the two friends apart, causing Lys to never quite build up the courage to tell her how deeply he felt for her. Friends was easier. Friends was accepted by society. Friends kept her in his life in some form.

When Keiran found herself in an arranged betrothal to a man named Garryth, a man with a mean streak whom Lys could tell Keiran wasn’t exactly happy with, he realized any chance he might have was slowly slipping through his fingers. He goes to tell Keiran how he feels, trying to find the courage to just get the words out, Garryth shows up to surprise Keiran. Lyssandre tries to slip back into the trees of the courtyard, but only makes it so far before Garryth gets too close, causing him to have to “hide” as a tree.

Regardless of Keiran telling him the tree has been there for a few years now, or possibly because of how adamant she is about it, he suspects the “tree” isn’t exactly that, and carves  a heart with his and Keiran’s initials in it into the branch that coincides with Lys’s arm, professing some attempt at flourished words about how now their love for one another will stand just as long as the tree.

Lyssandre flees into the night, telling Keiran she would be safer without him there, that Garryth’s rage would likely settle should he leave. It isn’t until a few months later that he realizes his error, that he essentially left her in the hands of a bully, unprotected by anyone or the laws of the land. He turns from running and is now attempting to find a way back.

Beginning of the Story: In the process, he stumbles across Rayze, or rather Rayze stumbles into him, slurring his way through threats to a group at another table. As Lyssandre tries to leave to avoid any conflict, Rayze later bursts around a corner, tumbling into Lys, in search of a place to hide. Lys, unable to help the poor sod, gathers the man up, telling him that for it to work, he has to hold perfectly still, putting them both under the illusion.

Because of his help, Lyssandre befriends Rayze and becomes a member of his mercenary group who come to use his ability whenever its needed, and who all decide to help Lys get back to Keiran in return.

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