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Welcome to The Devil's Best Defence

12:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nate Sloane

Name: Nathaniel “Nate” Sloane
Age: 30

Occupation: Lawyer
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Kinks/Style: Nate is dominant in the bedroom and thanks to his escapades he has dabbled in a variety of kinks so he tends to try to explore whatever his partner is into.

Personality: Being the middle child of the Sloane family meant Nate has always been in the classic paradigm of everyone overlooking him by instead focusing on his siblings. To him it was actually the ultimate freedom since he could do what he wished without the expectations his brother had to shoulder or the doting eye his parents had on his sister. This led to him being self-reliant to the point he does not like to ask others for help. He prefers to do it all on his own though this has dwindled now that the hubris of youth is also nonexistent. Like many in his family he is confident as well as charismatic especially when in the courtroom or trying to garner the affection of a potential romantic partner. It is almost as if there is switch inside his mind when it comes to the workplace and when he is off the clock. While working he is very much all business then the next minute, he is his usual flirty self. When it comes to his family he cares for them deeply though he knows trying to be there for them at times is difficult it does not stop him from trying. Like any other person he does have his flaws with one of his being a ladies’ man of sorts.

Interests/Hobbies: Nate enjoys a good glass of scotch paired with an equally fine cigar. He enjoys getting his hands dirty with one of his hobbies being rebuilding a 1970 Oldsmoble 442 or going hiking when he ever finds the time to take a vacation. While he enjoys playing basketball with his friends still he picked up golf as an opportunity to spend some time with his brother when they both find the time. Before then they took up boxing, something Jack stopped after a while but Nate kept with it especially after his basketball career ended. Also the random night of drunken karaoke when he can convince the wife to go out for the evening or without her. He is always down to have a good time.

Appearance: Nate’s hair is lighter than his siblings’ though like them he has the good Sloane genes. He is on the tall side, standing in at 6’3 with a muscular build thanks to his active lifestyle plus the efforts he puts into being healthy. He has what some have jokingly called the “Clark Kent” look thanks to him now wearing glasses which makes him look almost like a different person compared to when he takes them off. The man knows he is attractive but tries not to let it fuel his ego well on most days anyway. More than a few have been drawn in by his piercing blue eyes and the charming smile he is known to give. Depending on his mood he sometimes grows a beard but always makes sure to keep it well trimmed.


Nate was born a few years after Jack though even by then the Sloane family dynamic was already solidified. It was thanks to mother he had what many would consider a normal childhood since many a father was hardly around for their children with theirs being no different. The times his dad was around it felt like he was interacting with a lawyer instead of a parent which perhaps is what made his future career such an easy choice. In his youth he was often compared to his older brother which would make one think he feels a sense of jealousy towards Jack. At one point he did until around high school when he realized even if he could he did not want to be another Jack but the best version of himself he could be.

He decided not to rely on his family’s name and instead make it all on his own. Thankfully this was easier than it could have been when he was accepted into a good college on an athletic scholarship to play on their basketball team. When he arrived in college he really found himself and also the advantages he possessed from essentially being the “big dog on campus”. He slept around with his fair share of women and even cheated on a few of them. Well they considered it cheating whereas he thought it was fair game since it was college after all. There were talks about him being drafted into the NBA though how much truth those claims hold is anyone’s guess. Nate decided to continue on to law school where he graduated then had an important decision to make for himself. Where exactly was he going to work?

In the end he ended up at his father’s firm though at the bottom of the totem pole though even that was his own choice. He wanted to prove himself that he was not going to be given a handout just because of whose blood flowed through his veins. It was around his second year at the practice when a client came in with a case many thought was impossible to win and his father asked those in the firm who wanted it. Nate jumped at the opportunity after seeing the rest give pause. He was able to pull off a miracle and clear the client of all charges on a technicality which earned him a bit of clout at the firm. He used it to keep climbing the ladder and he is now one of the top lawyers at the firm as well as within the country. Since then he met and married Erika, someone he could see himself spending the rest of his life with. Then he went and messed it up by falling back into old habits by sleeping with a secretary at the firm. If that was not enough to weigh on him his father’s health scare is also pressing on his mind. “Solve a crisis at a time” is what he tells himself as well as what he tries to do.