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Welcome to DELETED~~ THE WITCHER ~~ {Adult}

22:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


CHARACTER IMAGE:  OKOYE-Danai Gurira (from the Black Panther Movie)
CHARACTER NAME:  Gan:  No last or clan name given
CHARACTER AGE:  76 (Looks to be maybe 24)
RACE: Shifter (Not a Were) Her tribe was all Honey Badgers

DESCRIPTION:  Gan is a fairly short (5'7”) woman of ebon black skin and a shaved head and small ears. Her eyes have a bright amber iris but the sclera is pitch black creating a startling contrast. Her face is composed of sharp planes and abrupt angles. Her nose is broad and looks as if it may have been smashed a time or two or ten. Her smile is startlingly white and full of a lot of very sharp looking teeth.

Gan's body looks as if all she has ever done in her life is hard physical labor, her muscles are tight, the tendons like violin strings and there is just a feeling of tightly leashed strength and mayhem waiting to be turned loose.

In her transitional form Gan does not grow much but she does bulk up and become more muscular as well as begin to grow a course coat of stiff wiry black  fur over most of her body and dirty blond  fur on her head and neck and down her back.  Her face also begins to extend into a muzzle full of sharp teeth and wicked sharp claws grow from her fingers and toes.

In her full beast form she is roughly 160 pounds of wolf sized bad assery with a very poor understanding of the term 'Enough!' or 'I surrender!' or 'OH GODS MAKE IT STOP!'

Because she often does not have time to undress before a shift Gan most often wears clothes that are held in place with a few creative tucks or ties that can easily break away then be repaired afterwords.  She also wears sandals for this reason.  The only item she will not remove at any time is an intricately beaded necklace made of dyed bones and claws set with small gems

SKILLS:  Tracking, Brawling, Hunting, Brawling, Fighting, Brawling, Survival under almost any conditions, oh and lets not forget Brawling.

WEAPONS: Gan has three weapons she carries with her at all times, the first two are a set of matched curved blades about 14” long. They are one handed blades with knuckle bow guards and bone scale pommels. They are stained a flat matte black and she calls them interchangeably 'Whisper' and 'Silence'. The third weapon is a short spear with a willow leaf shaped blade about 30 inches long and a black ironwood shaft about 24 inches in length. It has a fishtail butt to keep it from sliding out of her hands.  The daggers are made of steel but the spear seems to be some kind of bone that is incredibly tough.  Only the people killed by the spear know it's name. While it isn't a weapon exactly she also has a punch that strikes like lightning and hits like a blacksmith's hammer.

POWERS:  Greatly enhanced healing; Immunity or heightened resistance to most poisons or toxins;  An absolute monstrous resistance to pain.

WEAKNESSES: Gan can not swim or even float, her body density is too high so she sinks like a rock.
Immunities do not protect against Belladonna (Nightshade) and can be poisoned and killed by it, also wounds inflicted by weapons coated with Belladonna will not heal.
Character is effected by the phases of the moon but must shift on nights of the new Moon and not the full Moon.
FACTION:  Fighting for the Angels (they have cookies)

CHARACTER'S BRIEF BACKGROUND:  Gan was a member of the warrior class for a rather small and isolationist tribe of Honey badger Shifters.  While they were not warlike they were greatly respected and feared by other Tribes in the area because once incited to fight they did so with a ruthless viciousness that would leave the battlefield littered with disassembled bodies even when they were outnumbered.

Gan grew up happy, she was courted on several occasions, took a few lovers, hunted and trained in the skills she needed.

Then came the attack. This one wasn't like attacks from other tribes. These attackers stayed back out of range and chanted and threw strange powders into the air that seemed to steal a warriors strength or turn his mind with fear or strike him stupid and drooling. Then the men came, not with swords and spears which could at least grant a clean and honorable death but with clubs and all they could do was listen or gibber or drool as the Men went through the village and killed the children first, then the Elders or those to infirm to fight and finally the warriors were they lay helpless.

Each head sounded like a ripe desert melon as it was crushed.

Gan struggled to find the strength to move, to fight back, offer up some form of resistance. She found nothing.

Some how they missed her. It may have been she was partially hidden by a tent, maybe another thought someone else had accounted for her but two days later when her strength finally began to return she found she was the only one left alive. The attackers had taken what little of value was in the village and killed every man woman and child for a few tapestries and clay pots.

Gan burned the bodies, all of their possessions and their homes as well as shaved off all of her hair, burned it, everything she owned except her weapons and walked away as a Ghost.

Three days later a mutilated body was found staked to the ground not far from raiders camp. The next night it happened again, and again and again. She finally learned that a rival Tribe had hired the attackers so that they could take over their hunting and grazing lands.  That tribe didn't end up with any vengeful ghosts.

Since then Gan has wandered looking for a reason and a purpose.