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Welcome to DELETED~~ THE WITCHER ~~ {Adult}

22:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


A young Witcher, trained by the School of the Cat, Joar-Addam is a tall and slender young man with short black hair, piercing purple eyes, and a disarming (if sometimes arrogant) smile.

Image Representation:  Ian Somerhalder

Basic Details
Name: Joar-Addam
Nationality: Unknown

Gender Male
Age: Early 20s
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 182 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Distinctive Features: Joar has three small scars on his left cheek - the marks of the claws of a creature involved in his first real hunt.

Several other scars mark his body - most notably along his arms and torso.  A rather nasty one runs from his left external oblique and down over his upper left thigh - narrowing missing his genitals.  These, however are all hidden by his clothing.

He also has a rather intricate tattoo of a hawk in flight in front of a moon on his right shoulder blade.

Affiliations: Witchers
Partner: None

Description: Tallish, standing a bit over six foot, and often described as 'whip' or 'blade' slender, Joar walks the the casual, easy grace of a performer - or someone completely confident with themselves.  Most find his violet eyes striking and somewhat off-putting.  He tends to keep his black hair short and slightly messy - the only real adornment being a braid that hangs from his right temple.  It hangs down to his chin and is adorned with several carved stone and metal beads.  No one knows if it is simple affectation or has a deeper meaning.  He's certainly not telling.

He tends to keep himself somewhat clean-shaven, save a touch of a goatee.  Though, on occasion, time catches up and he possesses a bit of an afternoon shadow.

Many who see him take him as haughty or arrogant, as his lips are often curled into a slight smirk.  Perhaps there is some truth to this, a hint of arrogance and a touch of conceit - he is Witcher after all.  However, most of it is simply a balance to the darkness of the world around him; he has seen and experienced dark, dreary things, he has seen the worst man and monster have to offer and sometimes, just sometimes, it takes a bit of gallows humor to keep one's self sane.

His general manner of dress likely does not help the hint slight air some see around him.  His clothes are travel worn and have seen better days, but are fashionable and finely made.  It's one of the few things he actually enjoys spending coin on.

He can usually be found in a soft leather jerkin, often dyed dark blue or red with stitched design, loose-fitting shirts of fine wool or cotton, and loose fitting breeches that match.  The wide belt at his hip is clasped with a buckle done in the motif or hawks in flight, the frogs that hold his sword and kukri done in a matching style.  The bracers on his forearms each hold the same decorations, etched in leather and chased in silver.  His soft, black-leather boots are turns down just below the knee, the heel and toe also chased in silver.

Faction: Witcher/Good (overall).  He tends to see the individual rather than the reputation of the type.  Monsters they may be, but sometimes this is more necessity and need rather than being truly evil.

Plus, do we really need monsters with the evil man is capable of?

Background: Joar never knew his father.  His mother was a barmaid at a tavern in a small village not far in a barony of [Insert nation here].  She was a beautiful lass, smart and bright eyed and full of life - but none of that helped when a drunken brawl broke out and a dagger missed it's intended target and found a new home in her ribs.

Joar was seven.

One of the people in the tavern that night was a Witcher and perhaps he saw something in the boy.  Maybe it was the inquisitiveness, maybe it was the lack of fear he showed.  Maybe it was just how the boy always seemed to be around but never underfoot, always in the background, always in the shadows - always watching, studying, observing.

Whatever the reason, the Witcher took the orphan under his wing, treating him as a squire of sorts.  They traveled together, the boy undergoing training in survival and weapons and tactics and survival.