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17:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Forrest Rollins

Forrest is a very large man and appears that he could wrestle a bear, hardly fat though, just a very large and strong man.  His unassuming smile is immediately disarming and he seems nothing more than the gentle giant, which he indeed is.  Forrest dresses simply and his deerskin pants and moccasins are more what an Indian would wear than a white man, he wears an Apache tomahawk and knife which adds to the mystery of this man, where does he belong and where has he come from?  Forrest wears his hair long and loose at most times, but when working or going into battle it is pulled back tightly at the back of his head into a ponytail or topknot.  His eyes show much sadness and loss, but a resolve that is unrelenting.

Since the war ended Forrest moved to the place the furthest from battle that he could find.  During the war he had done things he was not proud of… they all had.  Forrest signed on with the Confederate Army as a rifleman, as a young lad with not much direction and the only thing to do was farm, the war seemed like a vacation… it was not.  Forrest had a lot of luck on his side as he was able to make the rank of corporal which offered him a bit of reprieve from the mundane daily tasks of a foot soldier.  He earned a reputation as a marksman and was deployed as a sniper after the first few skirmishes they encountered.  Forrest was offered his choice of rifles and equipment, allowing him to customize his items to fit the situation or need.  Forrest learned to live around the Querecho Apache and had learned many things from their brave warriors.  Forrest always carried a tomahawk on his hip and a long knife nestled at the small of his back, to which he could use to deadly effect if the need arose.  After his injury and amnesia he was taken in by the Apache and became one of them.  He married an Apache woman, Awanita, who he called Maggie, and bought a small ranch outside of Laredo.  They have a son and a small herd of cattle, they also raise vegetables to sell at market.

Maggie and their son Richard were slain in a supposed Indian Attack....

While Forrest is good at making war he much prefers peace and will only fight if provoked.  He defends his honor and that of women, with his life.  You do not cross Forrest Rollins and live to tell the tale.  Forrest is not adept with pistols and can only use them with familiarity not efficiency.  He is an expert marksman with a rifle and an expert pugilist, especially with a knife and tomahawk.  If you decide to enter hand to hand combat with Forrest you should be prepared to die