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Welcome to Newcastle Island

21:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Vixen

Occupation: Herbalist

Age: unknown/appears in her 20’s

Sex: female

Sexuality: shifts with her mood

Species: fox shifter

Appearance: Vixen holds a slender but elegant build, with a long neck and plenty of bright, fire-red hair. When in the sun too long, her paler skin will explode into a series of freckles. Everywhere the sun touches. Originally, she is from the forest region, and finds herself most at home dressed in light layers of earthen tones to accommodate the changing weather patterns.  FMC735; NCL052

Shapeshifting: Vixen can shift between human and fox forms. Though, not always accurately, sometimes forgetting to hide her tail, or change out an ear.

Herbalism: after spending so much time in the woods, and essentially coming from it, Vixen has an innate understanding of which plants are helpful and which are harmful. She has learned this knowledge can come in handy, and while she holds no healing powers, she has been considered a healer due to this knowledge.

Trickster: Possibly less a skill than her nature, Vixen loves jokes and harmless pranks, and can often be found in the middle of them. However, if a prank aims to injure or embarrass someone, she’s one of the first to show her disdain.

Socially...lacking: Vixen hasn’t been a people for as long as many her apparent age, and while she knows some things, such as wearing clothing while among people is generally preferred, she hadn’t grasped all the finer details that come with social cues.

Startles easily: While a personality trait, this can also be a weakness, leading her to hide or freeze if caught too much by surprise. It can also cause her to shift into a fox form without much warning, as that allows her to run and hide much easier.

Personality: Vixen has a very playful nature. She isn’t one to turn down a game, or a run through the trees, and often steals things from people she likes, but is very obvious about it. It’s a game, and more about the chase than the actual theft. She is quick to a smile that fills her entire face, and loves spending her time in nature over the stuffy streets of a city. She also has a few quirks that tell she hasn’t always lived among society. Little things that are hard to pick out, really, but that don’t quite fit well. Pausing to groom in the middle of a conversation, leaving a conversation because a squirrel ran by and she has to chase it up a tree, etc.

History: Vixen wasn’t entirely sure how long she was a fox, but she had been long enough to know and understand every bit of her forest. Years went by in her animal form with her as nothing more than a regular fox found in the Reserve. Until one day she wasn’t.

She simply...woke up one morning, shivering because her fur coat had disappeared in favor of a human form. Vixen wasn’t sure what caused it to happen, and for a long time she was worried. It took her a while to figure out how to be a human, but eventually she did, using the knowledge she gained as a fox to earn money sharing which herbs are good for what ailment, collecting and selling them as she moves about.

After some time, Vixen learned that she wasn’t simply stuck in a human form, she could move between human and fox, and the more she practiced, the easier the transformation became. Though, sometimes an ear will get stuck here or there, or she will forget her tail, leaving her with a single fox ear in human form, or a lush, full tail sticking out behind her.

Vixen remains an herbalist, mostly because she is in search of what happened to her and such a task allows her an excuse to explore in hopes of discovering answers. Questions dwell in the forefront of her mind that she doesn’t have answers to and would love to find them. Why is she no longer just a fox? What caused her to shift forms that first time? Could she always do it and just hadn’t, or is this something new? She found her way through the Reserve to Newcastle, finding the press of people, even in the small island, too much sometimes, but perhaps it might hold some answers for her.