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Welcome to ~~ LAREDO 1870s ~~ {ADULT}

15:09, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sheriff Ashton Jones

PLAYBY:  Timothy Olyphant (Justified & Deadwood)

Ashton Jones
Age: 24
Occupation: Sheriff
Status: Single

Hgt: 6'2"
Weight: 215
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green


Ashton cuts an imposing figure at his above average height and muscular build.  From his rugged appearance and the callouses on his hands it is obvious this man is no stranger to hard work.  Ashton wears a short blonde beard that adds to his rugged appearance, but it is far from unkempt.  The pistols that bounce easily at his sides are slung in a cross draw manner, the worn leather shows that these guns have seen more than one fight.  The fact that Ashton still wears them is a testament to his prowess.  A long knife hangs behind his right hip and also shows signs of much use.  His wide brimmed hat is worn low and shows only a hint of his emerald eyes gleaming from beneath.  The slight flash you catch and you know that Ashton has judged you in that brief moment.  But as a friend, or foe...


After the battle of Laredo Ashton swore off military conflict, there was so little to gain with petty battles.  Their last fight was over 5,000 bales of cottonÂ… COTTON!!!  Ultimately the cotton made it to Mexico which provided the CSA with resources but he was past caring.  The war had pitted brother against brother and family against family.  It was time to return to living.  His hometown was nearly destroyed and they all needed help.  Ashton had grown up in Laredo raising cattle and so every person that had felt the sting of the war weighed heavily on his heart.  His discharge papers couldn't have come quickly enough and he rushed back to Laredo.

Ashton was welcomed home with open arms by all the townsfolk, it was good to be back with his family and the rest of the town.  When you grow up in a small community everyone is like family.  There were several surrounding ranches and many things had changed during the course of the war, some good... some bad.  A wicked Mayor had moved in and seized control of a large portion of the town, but in a time of war when people needed money, they would do anything.  Luckily Ashton's family had kept their lands and cattle and were doing well.

Ashton most recently took their recent herd to Denver for sale and had earned a hefty price for their prize cattle.  He returns home to find his parents dead from the fever, and his childhood friend Catherine Tate in a desperate spot...


Quick draw - Like all men in the west Ashton has quick hands.  He is by no means Doc Holliday, but he is still fast.  Ashton's greatest feat is being adept with both hands equally and can draw and fire from either side equally.  He wears his pistols in a cross draw configuration with the right hand weapon being slung a bit higher near his heart for faster delivery, the rig has also been trimmed and his pistol is a bit smaller for the same purpose.

Dead eye - They once told him he could shoot the sweat off a bullfrog...

Hand to Hand combat - Ashton has been in his share of scraps and is not a pugilist, but can hold his own in a bare knuckle brawl.

Knife fighting - During the war Ashton learned to become more adept with using his Bowie knife in combat.  Before it was merely a tool he used on the farm, now he can wield it in combat effectively, but not expertly.

Riding and Roping - obvious for a boy that grew up herding and raising cattle, he his by no means a rodeo star, but can certainly do what needs to be done around the ranch.

Investigations  & Interrogation -  This is one of Ashton's strengths.  During the war Ashton had been part of a unit that talked to POWs trying to get them to spill war secrets.  During this time Ashton became adept at the skill of interview and interrogation, learning to use mannerisms to tell if people were lying.  He has perfected this skill and is well versed at getting a person to speak the truth even when they don't want to.  This does not mean that Ashton tortures them, but by the end they almost thank him for allowing them to come clean.  It is a very subtle art, but one that Ashton has mastered.