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19:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Amir Bayek Alassel
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 55 (appears to be in his 20's)
Humor: Choleric
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Envy


Prince Of Ruin (+1) | Roguish Ruffian (+1) | Plagued By Tragedy (-1)

Amir clocks in at a healthy 6'2" and 200 pounds of lean muscle. He has an impressive physique, one that many would assume he puts a ton of work into. While he is muscular, he's not overly muscled. Amir is well toned and his musculature fits his form quite well.

One would be hard pressed to catch Amir in anything more formal than the leather armor he wears daily. If required, he does clean up well on occasion, and seems at home in an expensive tunic, easily carrying himself with the elegance and practiced grace of a prince. But, such opportunities are few and far between for those in House Moon.

Amir keeps his hair roughly shoulder length, maybe a little longer, and his face clean shaven. It is rare, but he can be spotted sporting a short beard on occasion, when his work is keeping him busier than he would like.

Generally speaking, his outfit and overall sense of fashion rarely changes from day to day. Amir most often dons a set of leather armor, gloves, a thin cloth hood, a covering over the top right portion of his face, with a bow and quiver of arrows on his back.

In spite of his rough appearance, the prince is somewhat carefree in person, happy to help someone in need or kick back and relax when able. Or, at least, he seems to be. In truth, he is quite skilled in the art of hiding his emotions, as anyone in his line of work should be.

Though he rarely lets it show, Amir is weighed down by guilt, regret and a deep seated hatred for the curse eating away at his body. Despite its classification as a 'miracle,' he feels it is a heavy burden on his soul, as well as his physical form.

Amir's true personality isn't far off from the one he lets show, but there are key changes to note when he is his true self.

He is gruff, quirky and more than a little hard to read, more often than not. Many would consider him standoffish or grouchy even, but the truth is- he tends to drive people away on purpose, rarely letting people in, worried that he'll lose them like he has everyone else. Deep down, he is a wise-ass, intelligent guy with a penchant for dry humor, witty retorts, and the ability to make any serious situation trivial, in hopes of lightening the mood.

Amir has a lot of years under his belt, and a lot of knowledge to go with them. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as the simple curiosity of a scientist or a scholar. On top of these traits, he has a strong sense of justice. While that can often be seen as a positive trait, it can easily get him into trouble when dealing with nobility or those of a higher class. Despite his position as a former prince, Amir has never liked the idea of class inequality, which is what drew him to House Moon, where all are equal.

Little is known of Amir's origin, as he doesn't tend to share, even when prompted and prodded about his past. Even so, he does let a few things slip here and there, when reminiscing, about a distant kingdom surrounded by a sea of sand and strange gods unknown to the people of Nymphaea. He speaks fondly of the ruling class there, as if they were a different breed altogether, when compared to the counts and nobles of Nymphaea.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Though Amir was drawn to House Moon of his own accord, he would likely be granted the title of Lord if he were to come clean about his identity to the publc.  The Alassel family has joined in wedlock on several occasions with the nobility of Nymphaea, to secure diplomatic relations, treaties and even trade routes. Though it is somewhat distant, he does share blood relations with several of the current Counts and Countesses in power. In spite of these relations, he prefers to remain hidden for the time being, after spending several years in the city and witnessing the corruption prevalent in the ruling class.

These days, Amir works as a Jack Of All Trades for House Moon, taking on any job sent his way, in order to earn some coin and keep the boredom and ever encroaching guilt at bay. The details of the job are rarely a concern, the legality of the matter a non issue altogether, as long as the skills required are in his wheelhouse- which includes most things that a rogue, assassin or thief would be expected to be capable of doing. While he is most often employed for mercenary work or small scale heists, Amir has no problem taking on more mundane work, such as construction or carpentry. The prince's deft hands are well suited for intricate work with tools, whether it be a chisel or a lockpick.


The Lost Thread Of Fate
Acquired a few decades prior in the Kingdom of Ruin, this miracle has been quite useful on many occasions, even saving his life at times; however, it is one Amir has used less and less as time marches on, due to the advancement of his curse. The Lost Thread Of Fate allows the prince to toy with fate on a very minor and personal level, in the form of luck. Essentially, Amir is able to grant himself or another good luck, or curse someone with bad luck for a short time. Granting himself good luck or cursing someone with bad luck can often have a similar effect in the short term, but that is not always the case. For example, if he were in a fight and a sword was swung his way, regardless of who he used the miracle on, the luck would be in his favor, causing the sword to miss its intended target. But, if someone were to cast a fireball his way and he cursed the caster with bad luck, instead of missing its target, the spell could backfire altogether, dealing damage to the caster rather than the intended target. That said, he is able to use this ability outside of battle, as well, and it has proven quite useful in tight spots when trying to escape, picking a tricky lock, finding a lost item, etc. In truth, he doesn't control what this miracle does, he can only turn things in his favor. The effects of the ability are often random, but he has learned that the more specific the situation, the more likely it is to work in the way he wishes it to. Trying to curse a group of enemies with bad luck is much more difficult and much less potent than cursing a single target, and the same applies to the good luck aspect.

In The Nick Of Time
This miracle was born out of tragedy, and flourished in adversity, as Amir fled the crumbling remains of his homeland alongside the few survivors he was able to assist along the way. In The Nick Of Time allows the cursed prince to manipulate Time or, more precisely, the time remaining in one's lifespan. Amir is able to use this ability in two ways. First, he is able to take the remaining time from those whose life is ended by his hand and add it to his own, effectively extending his life further than should be possible, and allowing him to age much slower than the average person. Second, he is able to use some of the time he has gathered for his own extended life span, and transfer it to a friend or ally in need- essentially transferring 1 Vitae from himself to the target he has chosen. While this Miracle is quite useful in times of crisis, when many are in danger and in need of healing, Amir has advanced his own curse through its excessive use, making it a boon and a burden in equal measure.


The Eye Of Chronos
Forever hidden behind the face covering Amir wears is a golden eye, with an hourglass in the center and cracked golden skin surrounding it. Unable to see out of this eye, the use of his miracles  -though he does show restraint- has worn on him through the decades.

Chronos, a god worshiped in the kingdom of Ruin before its fall, was hailed as the king of his pantheon and the ruler of time immemorial. The legend of this god spins a terrible tale for those who look upon his face, and an even greater tragedy for those who use and abuse his power for their own benefit. Whether this god is real or not, Amir believes in him and the curse that has been inflicted on him wholeheartedly.

Perhaps it is his belief in this entity that shaped the curse into the form it has taken. Maybe it was a curse inflicted on him due to the reckless actions of his parents that lead to the destruction of his home. The prince has no way of knowing for sure. Regardless of his beliefs, the tragic legend warns potential abusers of this miracle of the Eye of Chronos, which is said to take the shape of an hourglass. From the eye, the point of origin, the curse spreads. Once it spreads throughout the entire body, it crumbles, turning to sand for the divine hourglass, guarded by Chronos himself.

Though the texts are vague, it is believed that this particular curse is brought on by or causes great calamity. The prince is torn, unsure if acquiring the miracle caused the fall of his homeland in exchange for its power, or if the fall of the kingdom and the weight of responsibility on his shoulders drew the curse to him, in his time of need. Although, it is possible that neither is true and the timing of the kingdom's collapse was coincidental.

The prince has used his miracles sparingly since the advancement of his curse, but feels a deep sense of guilt, when he does not use his abilities to heal those in need. In the past, this has lead to the over use of the miracle, which leads to further advancing the curse, in an endless loop of guilt and regret.


Signet Ring
The signet ring that Amir wears speaks of his Alassel heritage, and notes his position in the family. A fallen prince has little in the way of possessions or standing, but proof of his lineage is useful from time to time, when dealing with people who are familiar with his family.

While the ring is always on his finger, it is generally hidden beneath a leather glove. There aren't many who would recognize the Alassel royal crest, but wearing such a ring in plain sight would only attract unwanted attention from thieves looking for an easy mark.

That said, the only real worth it has is its weight in gold, and the sentimental value to the man who wears it. Unable to gather his possessions on the way out of the crumbling kingdom, the ring on his finger is the only heirloom Amir has to remember his family by. That sentiment, that connection to the ring, is the only thing that has kept him from selling it to make a quick buck, or pay for a meal after going days without food.

Over the years, Amir has been granted much more than his fair allotment of luck, even considering his miracles. Though he can't prove it, he believes that the signet ring has either absorbed some of the divine luck when using his miracle, or it was enchanted from the start, granting the wearer a small bit of luck in times of need.

Ironwood Bow
Rarely used but always carried on the back of the cursed prince, is an Ironwood Bow, carved from the rare ironwood tree that was native to the deserts of the kingdom of Ruin.

Known for its dense wood, that particular tree is rarely used for anything other than building shelter, making a fire or crafting crude wooden clubs. It is not a wood known for its flexibility. However, in the hands of a master bowyer, the wood can be carved and refined into a bow that will never rot, and is extremely difficult to break.

Carved by a close friend in the kingdom of Valeria, the neighbor of Ruin, shortly after the latter kingdom's fall, the prince has carried this bow for roughly thirty years now.

Enchanted by the craftsman, this bow grants the wielder increased accuracy.

Alongside the bow on his back, Amir carries a quiver of 30 arrows, which he has replenished many times over the years at the expense of what coin he is able to salvage for the purpose. It goes without saying, they are basic arrows with no magical properties.

While it is generally used for range, the bow is sturdy enough to be used as a blunt weapon in close quarters, without breaking or being damaged.