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Welcome to The Devil's Best Defence

14:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Senan Quinn

Name: Senan Quinn
Age: 34
Occupation: Criminal Psychologist
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Senan was born in Ireland, but while his mother's line has a long history on the isle, his father's line meanders through much of Europe. This has left the man with blended features and a slightly lyrical accent. As a bit of a nomad he keeps himself fit and tends to have a bit of a worn or rugged look about him, though he cleans up nicely when the occasion requires.

Senan has a natural talent for reading people and their emotions and he uses this to great effect in the bedroom. It only takes him a short bit of exploration to discover what makes his partner tick, and he uses that information to first build anticipation and then deliver some of the best sex they have ever had. But beneath the seeming generous façade is a man that knows what he wants and knows how to get it from his partner while making her think it was her idea. So it is perhaps for the best that his tastes are not terribly far afield.

Senan typically comes across as a very muted person. Knowing how to spot tells in the people around him has conditioned him to supress his own. He is an adept conversationalist, but rarely chatters. He is empathic when needed, but reserved when not. It is not uncommon for people to classify him as intense, with some even considering him unsettling.

Senan loves to travel. And while taking in the sights is typically enjoyable, he's usually more interested in the people. He's intensely fascinated by human behaviour, especially across different cultures. As a result he's been all over the world and has dabbled in more than a dozen languages (he's only fluent in English, French, and German, but can stumble through conversations throughout much of the EU).

Though technically born in Ireland, Senan was a citizen of the EU the moment he was old enough to leave home. He embraced the free travel across the continent and rarely spent more than a semester in any one country. This was not great for his academic record though. His grades were usually just a touch above average, and constantly changing schools tended to require he attend institutions with limited admission requirements. He eventually graduated with a Psy.D from the University of Neuchatel, but it was more because the school was next on his list than any particular connection to Switzerland or the school itself.

With his degree in hand Senan almost immediately crossed the Atlantic to look for work in the United States. It was here that be became intensely interested in the criminal justice system and the large number of incarcerated individuals that the county was known for. Criminals were, in theory at least, deviations from the norm, and Senan was always interested in such things. Unfortunately, what he found in the United States was more institutional rather than psychological. Convinced he was ready to move on Senan relocated to Los Angeles and began preparations to move south into Mexico. But it was here that he first encountered Raina Sloan-Hart. The (now former) DA recognized that his talents weren't in line with his accolades and convinced him to work with her long term.