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Welcome to DELETED ~~ CAMELOT ~~ {ADULT}

07:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anhorra ~ Unicorn.

Age: 40

Description: Anhorra stands at over 16.2 hands tall, although getting him to stand still that long could be a challenge. His coat is a glossy dappled black and white with a mane of white and a full black head with a white star, from which he sports a long pearl horn. Numerous healed scars decorate his sides and one on the left side of his neck. His hooves are unshod, but it would seem that he doesn't need shoes.

Skills: Healing magic, Glamours, Can speak and hear any spoken language, Veteran of combat with numerous other monsters

Faction: Technically Good, but not affiliated with humans or their political games.

Background: Anhorra is the current Lord of the Forrest, having earned the title by succeeding his father upon his father's death. Earing the position in the Trial of Succession, he quickly put the rest of his Conclave's fear to rest by assuming his father's role quickly and fairly. The purity of unicorns is legendary, and Anhorra is no exception, having been an inspiration of many a lost child or poor person lost in the woods to help find their way home. It is very rare that he will show himself in his true form, preferring the use of powerful glamours to disguise himself as an old hermit, an errant hunter, or a variety of smaller animals to guide them safely home. Anhorra lives up to the reputation of the title Lord of the Forest, having fought and won several bouts with hazardous or feral monsters trying to hide in places under his protection, and has had his horn broken twice in these fights. "A reminder to not move my head in that direction after such a move. Pain is a good friend in that way."