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19:29, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Morwenna Rowena Brakenwater

If the Enemy of your Enemy was your friend; then Lady Morwenna Rowena Brakenwater was drowning in friendship.

One of many daughters of a Leannan Sidhe; Lady Caliope Adora Amora, distant cousin to the Current Mab Of The Unseelie Courts herself, and Lord Finias Moray Brakenwater, Finman Noble of Finfolkaheem, Lady Morwenna had been sent; post her parent's unpredictably violent, yet entertaining divorce, to stay with her distant, and highly-important cousin.

She had eventually gone the way of all of her sisters, shipped off to another relative once they were old enough to start cramping their Mother's style. There were only so many available Bards, Playwrights and Sculptors amongst the Lower Fae, and what with accidental human visits to the Faelands on a sharp decline, decent meals were hard to find. Ostensibly, she was to train further in the ways of a Courtly Lady. Sewing, Singing, and Spell Slinging.

Life as a fixture in Queen Mab's Courts was mentally taxing, frequently tedious, and as Morwenna would soon discover; highly dangerous, after becoming 'accidentally' privy to a Faelands-shattering secret while attempting to do an honest day's work listening at keyholes, fishing for likely marks to genteelly blackmail.

Lady Morwenna Rowena Brakenwater is a Court Faerie
belonging to the Unseelie Courts, an self-interested,
backstabbing, class of Nobility known as much for its
destructive magicks as its outward expressions of
beauty and grace. Who can say what any of them look like
beneath their many glamours?

Seeming to glide when she moves, Morwenna appears tall and
slender with ivory-coloured skin, and long, lightly curling
Ebony tresses. Her large, dark-lashed chartreuse eyes sit below
dark, expressive brows, in a lovely,
but rather determined looking face.