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02:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dr. Curtis Connors ~ The Lizard

CHARACTER IMAGE: Mid-nineties Gary Oldman (with a haircut).
CHARACTER AGE: Definitely adult.
LOVE SCENES: I'm more than happy to write most anything.

  Dr Connors secured his medical education through the US Armed Forces, after which he acquired a great deal of experience in trauma surgery working in front-line medical facilities in multiple conflict and disaster zones during his tours of duty, and the training and development that career path entailed has meant that he remains physically fit to this day despite the life-changing injuries that forced him out of surgery and into cutting-edge research.
 Of course, as much as that life shaped him, his appearance these days is largely dominated by the fact that he's a terrifying and towering hybrid of man and monster liberally equipped with razor fangs and shearing claws, a looming posture, a lengthy tail you could bring down a tree with and enough physical toughness to resist friendly gunfire without serious harm - all of which tend to overshadow such pedestrian qualities as smouldering eyes or non-existent eyebrows - although he does have rather good cheekbones, if one can overlook the fact that they're over a foot long.

 Dr Connors is a supremely skilled medical doctor and a geneticist fully capable of whipping up body-and-species-altering serums in a matter of days, given access to materials and resources that one might find in a modern college. He's also an extremely capable physicist, albeit not to anything like the same degree and so likely able to understand and use devices, if not innovate in the field.
 Having undergone military training he's a competent combatant but the majority of the threat he represents in close quarters is due to experience accrued in a career of science-oriented villainy, rather than formal training. That and being an enormous dinosaur-man. It helps.

POWERS: Inhuman levels of strength, speed, resilience sufficient to resist small-arms fire and a strong regenerative component that permits him to regrow entire limbs at need in a distressingly short period of time. Telepathic communication with reptiles and there is some evidence in his past of an ability to provoke atavism and emotional states in mammals, albeit not on a regular and reliable level.

WEAKNESSES: Being at least partly a lizard, cold slows and disables Dr Connors and his emotional intelligence lags some considerable way behind his intellect but since he's a villain, this doesn't come up all that often.

FACTION: Villain

 Time is something of a nebulous concept when you spend a significant part of it as an approximately human-shaped lizard and with the fallout of recent events, Dr Connors himself isn't entirely certain whether he trained to serve as a surgeon in Korea or the Gulf or possibly Iran. He remembers explosions and endless young men and women bleeding under his hands, souring him on the entire human species long before he ever took the serum but the uniforms waver in his memory, as do the accents and the voices. His scientific knowledge is up to date - if extremely strange - so he must have been working recently but he can't quite recall where he was during the Attack on New York or The Blip so perhaps it was before those occurred? Did the weakling Connors have a family, were there offspring or was he always alone? It's a mystery, in no way helped by conflicting paperwork and unclear, clouded photographs.
 The time before he grew into his true glory is hardly relevant in any case, except in that it led to his current state of perfection. Certainly, over the past few years he's been engaged in attempting to further the genius of his work, developing new and ever more potent variations on the lizard serum, investigating rumours of time travel devices which may make it possible to replace the perverse mammal world of the present with a purer one founded in the pre-extinction world of the dinosaurs, becoming excited about rumours of the Savage Land and then becoming disappointed by the necessity of skirting the Antarctic to go there. Most recently, he's been reduced to seeming alternative methods of funding his experiments in the wake of the chaos and upheaval that the Sokovia Accords and the Snap generated... Which has recently included efforts to sell gene-therapy augmentations through the Bugle podcast under the guise of the brand 'NewU' (which is not, in any way affiliated or connected with any clone-associated organisations).