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20:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jerzy Godlewski

Standing at an even 180cm (5'11"), Jerzy (Jerry) is outfitted in the garb of a crewman of the EV Baluga arctic research vessel. Dirty blond hair hang slightly over his glasses and his brown eyes. He is lean and has a beard growing in from several weeks at sea.

Several expedition patches are sewn onto his periwinkle collared shirt. Utilitarian technician pants hold tools, writing utensils, and a well worn field notebook.

Born to a typical Polish Roman-catholic family in the peninsular city of Hel, at the end of Soviet Poland (1985). Jerzy was very smart for his age but very willful. Much of his worldview was force-fed by his schools and his church but he chaffed under polish society. Since he was a boy he looked out into the waters of the Baltic and heard its call, talking to fishermen at the docks of the strange and mysterious waters surrounding his home.

He studied biology and oceanography at the Gdansk university holding a masters in each. He remained in academia as it proved to be a bastion of rationality in a sea of religious ideology. He fell in love with a Norwegian woman and was married in his late 20s, much to his parent's chagrin.

Moving to Oslo changed everything. Away from the insular polish culture and the church, Jerzy became part of mainstream scientific community. He developed relationships with scientists all over the world and he realized he had been unhappy stuck in librarys and offices, arguing with PhDs who had no practical experience but who pontificated without end upon the virtues of their own greatness.

He began to travel, reaching the Azores, the Amazon, Antarctica. He continued talking to the fishermen and travelers of the sea and developed a personal hobby of learning of local mysticism and urban legends wherever he went.

Unfortunately, the field assignments took a toll on his relationship and six months ago, Svetlana, his wife filed for divorce and Jerzy packed his things.

As a distraction from his emotions of his ex-wife, Jerzy began cataloging all of the material he had gathered about myths and urban legends of the sea. This lead him to begin studying cryptozoology in earnest. He had always had a passing fascination with the field but never took it seriously. But now, alone in his apartment, surrounded by all of the mystical paraphernalia, books, and articles, it proved too strong of a distraction to resist. Anything to take his attention away from his lost love.

Jerzy found an opportunity aboard the EV Baluga, a research vessel that was looking to map the Arctic sea of scientific study. He joined with no real intention to find anything, he just wanted to be at sea, deep in his work, and away from his thoughts of the past.