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Welcome to 09_PF1e: Beware the Night

17:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Cassia Vassenius Liburnius (Cass-See-Ah Vass-SEHN-Nee-Us Lie-Bur-Nia-Us)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Birthright: Human (Order)
Concept: Military Adjudant and captain of bodyguards
Hair: Blonde, Long
Eyes: Blue/Green
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 165 lbs, athletic build

What do people see when they glance at you?
A beautiful young lady full of poise and regal bearing.
Most days she stands around 6'0" and 165 lbs.
She prefers flaxen golden locks but will alter them at a moment's notice to auburn, strawberry blonde, brunette, or a soft almost hazel brown.
Her eyes change color to match her mood but prefer sky blue.

Formal Events: Normally wears long dresses, no obvious weapons.
Away from the Manor: If wearing pants she has several daggers strapped to her legs and more attached to a belt with two bandoliers.

What will people find out if they ask around about you?
Cassia's name is well known, she is a regal young noble from the prestigious family of Vassenius and of the Gen Liburnius. Though she is hard to place, most folk could not describe her accurately as her appearance changes day-to-day. Many rumors surround her though, she is reportedly the black sheep of the family and cursed.

She has an almost morbid fascination with daggers or so people say. She seems to have daggers all over when she makes public appearances.

She is always seen hanging around Gaius, some think she's a personal attendant to take care of him, others say she's a secret lover, but those who know best say she's infatuated with the man and seeking his hand in marriage. Though the naysayers in the family will deny all of this vehemently saying it is all above board and to mind your own business.

What will people find out if they talk to you?
She's poised and willing to talk to almost anyone. She's is focused on her duties to the family, she has no pursuits outside the family.
She is the perpetual guardian of Gaius since childhood and has known nothing else of that life.
If you take the time, it becomes apparent that she is dreadfully alone and has no friends.

What will people find out if they look into your past?
Rumor has it she was raised in isolation for some defect of character, possibly on the road to being another slave.

The old nursemaid will claim she was cursed with her grandmother's blood as spirits whipped up objects in the nursery. The child was moved immediately after that to an unknown location and the nursemaid was unemployed.

If people dig, records will show she was born in a provincial capital but within a month relocated to a remote holding where she was raised for most of her childhood.
She had specialized tutors, but access to her was limited for most of her childhood. Any gatherings with other households she was absent.
She was paired up with Gaius around the age of 6. According to imperial records, she is the 6th born of 10 children and 22 years of age.


Order Legionnaire Trained Bodyguards
Daria Sinipid: Female Human. Daria has a long face, with straight silver hair and amber eyes.

Glina Ciusecund: Female Human. Glina has white hair and blue eyes.

Malthea Piusocin: Female Human. Malthea is willowy, with long auburn hair and brown eyes.

Sona Purniusab: Female Human. Sona has a square face, with curly red hair and blue eyes.

Prispeia Sestorius: Female Human. Prispeia is tall, with messy copper hair and large amber eyes.

Viatra Amispaniu: Female Human. Viatra has cropped black hair and light amber eyes. She wears well-made clothing and wields a quarterstaff.

Pompaea Ceiusenius: Female Human.  Pompaea has thin gray hair and gray eyes, and a magical tattoo on her face.

Linia Volonius: Female Human. Linia has black hair and amber eyes, and pointed ears.