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15:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Holloway Wescott

Name: Holloway Westcott
Nickname (if any): Holli.
Age: 22
Theme Song: Another Level, Pilgrims
Class: Illustrian
Position in Game: Contestant. President Wescott’s younger sister.
Character Visual: Chloe Grace Moretz
Appearance: There is no denying Illustrian blood runs through Holloway Wescott - it is in the blemish-free skin of her porcelain face. It gives away that she has never toiled for eight plus hours in the sweltering sun that leaves skin like leather and its lack of skin-deep stains reveals she has never spent time at a job that would leave scars or soot stains the most expensive face scrub couldn’t wash away.

Her hazel-colored eyes are set beneath well-manicured brows. They are a swirling mix of browns and greens, with specks of gold that can only be seen when looked at closely. Another feature of her eyes that people did not notice at first is that her right is greener than the left. The colors' depths depend on her makeup of choice for that day – some days they appear greener, while on other days, they will appear browner.

Holli’s dirty blonde hair hangs in waves past her shoulders. Sometimes she will pull it to the side in a braid when she is working , but for the most part, she prefers it to frame her round face, which usually gives away everything she is thinking.

One of the first things people tend to notice about her is her bow-shaped lips; it is especially noticeable when she sports brighter colors on them. They are lush, and she tends to chew her bottom on when she is deep in thought, a habit she has tried to break but hasn’t succeeded yet.

Holloway’s clothing of choice is ripped jeans and a leather jacket that she would marry if it were legal (in short, she loves it.)  Unfortunately, her status in their country requires a level of dress far above what she prefers. Therefore, she is often seen in well-tailored clothing that fits the President’s sister and an Illustrian of her status. It is only when she slips away for her stents in the slums of Valport that she dresses down.

Her peers have a supermodel-esque frame, but she does not have the height even to play pretend. Instead, she stands at a less intimidating height of five feet and four inches. Sometimes she will throw in a ‘half’ measurement if she feels larger than life. She has a wide smile and infectious laugh.

Personality: When her mother found out after years of infertility she was pregnant again, she was thrilled. She looked forward to a sweet little girl that she could use as her personal doll – dress up, make-up, manicures. However, she did not expect her daughter to be born with a rebellious spirit, which is, unfortunately, what happened.

Holli was an independent individual who wanted to swim against the current. She did not care what eating utensil was used with what part of the course or how to balance a book on her head, an action that would result in perfect posture. Instead, she wanted to be exploring. Outside and away from the stuffy Illustrian life she was born into. Resentment towards her mother grew with each new dress she was forced to wear.

In her adolescence, she was an outspoken individual who thought little before speaking. Her tongue was sharp, and she wielded sarcastic wit that, much to her mother’s dismay, she didn’t hold back.

Over the years, she has molded her own personality. She still clings to her independence, and her rebellious nature is still dominant, but she has adopted an astuteness that helps mask it. An actress knows exactly what part to play and when to play it (especially with the Illustrian class). She will wear the clothes. She will stand up straight. She will smile at the cameras. That is because she has learned it is in this place where the secrets are discovered (see BIO).

She is still quick, but has learned the time and place. Her sarcasm and wit are more apparent when she is with those she considers friends. Holli has learned that the quieter she is in certain circumstances, the more secrets she learns.

Occupation: Holloway has a brilliant mind, and she has always loved to tinker with mechanics, but her parents refused to pay for higher education in it. She had been groomed to “marry rich,” after all. However, she did complete a two-year degree in business relations and has been President Wescott’s assistant for the past few years.

Special Talents: She does not have formal training but knows her way around mechanics. She is drawn to it if it has an engine and has spent many hours scrubbing grease from under her fingernails and from her skin. She also likes electronics, but it is on a lesser scale and does not excite her as much.

After her brother was elected President, he demanded she learn self-defense strategies. Unfortunately, close contact was not her forte other than kicking someone in the shins and running away. She did pick up on firearms, though, and is a pretty good shot.

Illustrian children are often raised with some form of art they their parents can show off, such as playing an instrument like Mozart or painting like Monet. Unfortunately, Holloway was too much of a daydreamer. She was too impatient for the piano (her instructors often), and she didn’t like to draw other than diagraming an engine. So, what can she do to make her mother show her off at parties? Sing. And, she likes to do it, especially when she is working on something or in the shower.

History: The Wescott family has always been the epitome of  Illustrian class. Several of the family have gone on to accomplish great things for their country and were bright minds that furthered Valport in notable ways. They were also so devoted to their class and bloodline that it became like a religion. Because of that, it was filled with arranged marriages that would keep the genealogy that way. Holden Wescott and Nadia Crowley were no different.

As soon as they were old enough, an extravagant ceremony was thrown, and the two wed. However, this did not keep Holden from continuing his education in Valport Law. He proposed several bills that were eventually passed, all of which were beneficial to the Illustrian class. Several brought harsher punishments for anyone involved in the budding Resistance, which, at the time, a majority of Valport approved of. While her husband was front and center in their marriage and community, Nadia did what she was taught – stood in his shadow and was seen, never heard.

Four years after they were married, Nadia gave birth to their first child, Nathanial. Of course, he was perfect in every way, and from an early age, he was groomed to do great things. Like his father, he chose to go into law and politics, but his platform was slightly different over the years. He was a cunning individual and knew how to articulate his words to win the people.

When Nathanial was ten, they began trying to have another child, but it was not as easy for Nadia to get pregnant this time. Nathanial was against medical intervention, even though Nadia often begged him, asking that they try something to help the process; he wanted to focus on his career and their child.

Fate laughed many years later, and when Nathanial was 22, his parents announced that they were expecting again (Holden was 45 and Nadia was 44). Seven months later, four weeks before her due date, Holloway made a grand entrance into the world. Not only was she early, but Nadia also did not even make it to the hospital in time, and Holloway was born in the backseat of her father’s expensive, brand-new car.

From the beginning, Holli never conformed to the ideas her parents had in mind. The excitement her mother initially had over a girl quickly faded as she was met with a rebellious tomboy that preferred being outside over sitting and having tea or getting her hair and nails done. This significantly strained their relationship, and the feeling lasted until the moment Nadia took her last breath.

Holli was always curious about the Ignobles and did not have such a condescending outlook towards them that most of her class did. In her teenage years, she would often sneak out of their gated home and find herself in the slums of Valport. At first, it was just to defy her mother, but then she discovered it was this part of Valport that held some of the coolest gadgets and gizmos. In the refuse areas, she was able to find and work on engines that she couldn’t when her family was breathing down her neck.

At the age of sixteen, right before her brother began his campaign for president, Holden and Nadia were killed when their private helicopter went down. They died upon impact in the fiery crash. This happened only a few days after Holden upheld more stringent laws against the Resistance movement. Some blamed those that were behind the rebellion. Since she was still a minor, Nathanial became Holloway’s legal guardian. This made him even more loved by the people when he started his campaign for president.

Holli’s draw to the Ignoble class only grew when Nathanial brought Anna home, his future Ignoble bride. The two became fast friends, and she loved the doting attention her sister-in-law gave her. Anna’s death was difficult for Holloway, and she found solace in the slums of Valport. By now, her brother was President of Valport, which meant she had to get creative when leaving their home and slipping into the “bad” parts of the city.

Recently, some of her “dirty” little secrets have been brought to some influential people’s attention, earning her a front seat of the Fruition Trials.


Holden Wescott – Father – Deceased

Nadia Wescott – Mother – Deceased

President Nathanial Wescott - Brother

Likes Coffee – this little like of hers borderlines obsession. She considers herself a coffee connoisseur, and it is probably one of the only things she truly takes advantage of when it comes to being an Illustrian. It is often a joke among her friends, especially when she drinks so much that she shakes or speaking faster.

Sweet Treats – if you want to get on Holloway’s good side, present her with a delectable dessert. Cookies are, by far, her favorite, and she would join the dark side for them. Triple chocolate is her favorite, but she will take anything except oatmeal raisin. She will throw those back in the deliverer's face.

The Ocean/Swimming/Pool, etc – One of her favorite places to be is by the water. She prefers the ocean with the sound of the waves and the warm sand beneath her toes , but she also spends a lot of time next to the pool. When she is stressed, she swims it off.  She has discovered a small lake outside of the city limits, not far from the slums, that is quiet and shaded. When she really wants to get away from the hustle and bustle, from the noise, from the eyes and ears that are everywhere, she will go there with a good book.

Music – She loves music and is often seen strolling the slums with her wireless headphones, drowning out the sounds of those around her.

Secrets – Over the years, she has learned something; every piece of gossip, every tall tale, every little whisper, has some truth to it. She has learned that most of the upper class has dirty little secrets that would bring them all the ruin. They pretend to be put together and perfect in the daylight, but when the parties start, liquor loosens the tongue and unlocks the lips.

Tinkering – Holloway’s favorite pastime is tinkering. It could be the engine of an old car she found disposed of in the refuse of the Slums or a pocket watch; she loves to open things and see how they work, what makes them go, and whether she can fix or improve it.


The system – The more she spends in the slums of Valport and her Ignoble friends, the more she sees how flawed their system is. She hates knowing her father (and grandfather) contributed to it and that her brother is so focused on the Resistance that he has forgotten about the Ignobles.

Her mother - She is well aware that her mother is gone, but there is still a lot of bitterness rooted in her regarding the woman. To this day, if she slouches or doesn’t do something her mother would deem ‘Illustrian’ enough, she hears her voice.

The Fruition Trials – She despises the reality television game that the Illustrian’s dreamed up all those years ago. The parties they throw over the event makes her sick but she has to play the part, doesn’t? She has to attend the parties. She has to place the bets. She has to watch. Especially since she is the sister of President Nathanial Wescott #LoveMyCountry pride and all that.

I’m sure there are other things she dislikes and will openly admit it in-game, so this section will remain a work in progress.

Worst Fears:

1.That she will never get out of the cage, she is in or will forever have to play the part of devoted Illustrian. However you want to describe it, she is afraid she will always be stuck – marry rich, raise kids in a system that is broken, grow old not doing what she loves, and then die without seeing change.

2.That she will lose those closest to her. She is aware of her brother’s act and the way he is behind the scenes. She knows her time in the Slums could cost her (and those she spends time with) but it is hard to stay away because she doesn’t feel like her true self anywhere else.

3. Centipedes. Most insects don’t bother her, but something about the length of their bodies and their little legs makes her skin crawl.

4. Heights. When she was younger, she climbed a tree and fell from a considerable height. She broke her arm and shattered her wrist (she still has a scar). Thankfully, it was her left hand, and the medical system in Valport is top-notch (for Illustrians, anyway). It does bother her now and again, but nothing she can’t work with. This fear only escalated after her parent’s death and the crash of their helicopter.

"...We live in a world full of people pretending to be something they’re not. . ."