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Welcome to Mithrakh

04:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Ka'tan

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 44 / 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Race/Species: Irnax

Appearance: Like nearly all members of his species, Ka'tan has a very dark gray, one might even call it "charcoal" skin tone, broken only by glowing patchy stripes at the edges of his face, as well as "accenting" his shoulders, clavicle, and other sharper lines of his body.

He sports a relatively tall, lean body of a natural swimmer (which makes sense, given that he is semi-aquatic species, able to breathe air and in water all the same), has 8 fingers and toes (lacking a pinky everywhere), and has pretty long, pointed ears, reminiscent of elves from Earth folk tales. Instead of hair, he has extremities acting much like hair in dreadlocks would, but the ends of it resemble more to leaves of seaweed in a deep, dark blue color. The "hair" is soft to the touch and feels much like touching a fuzzy leaf.

His eyes, when not using his power, are the same glowing blue, surrounded by pools of the same pitch black as his skin is. While the default color of the bioluminescent markings is blue, the glow actually changes color with his moods, making it even easier to read him.

Despite the odd look of him, Ka'tan's face is easily read. He is quick to frown, just as much as he has a smile ready, and he carries himself with the grace of someone who spent a lot of time honing his body by physical means. His movements could be described as graceful, with a hint of laziness about it, almost like a fish just floating about in an aquarium.

In his human guise, he keeps his overall stature, but is more similar to a dark-haired man with a well-defined facial structure, a hint of facial hair, smooth skin, and pale blue eyes.

Personality: Overall wearing his heart on his sleeve, Ka'tan is a passionate individual. Finding inspiration and awe in nearly anything, he has a hard time remaining stoic and unreadable, thus being often teased for it by the rest of the crew. He speaks quickly and openly, is always up for a good laugh and gives away the impression of someone who often revels in every new situation he's in.

That is, as long as the situation is to his liking - which most of the hunts they get sent to are not. He secretly detests the work he's doing, and often pities the hunted, sometimes even purposefully sabotaging the hunt, if the target is deemed unfit by him. And by "unfit", he often places children and weak animals - those he would deem unable to survive the "work" his superiors have planned to do. Several members of the crew know this, sometimes even helping with it, earning Ka'tan's respect.

Abilities/Skills: Stealth - Ka'tan, being of aquatic descent, excels in hunts that take place in difficult maneuver places. Being naturally bendier than most of his partners, he can fit himself into cramped spaces, conceal his presence in murky waters with ease, and sneak up to a target with little to no way of detecting him.

Power charge - As every member of his race can do, Ka'tan gradually accumulates power in his body, which, over the course of a specific time frame needs to be released in a controlled environment, or it might cause an uncontrollable burst, which often either blinds those around him, hurts them not unlike being fried by a strong electric shock, or both at the same time. He manages to keep it under control by periodically "emptying" it into specialized charges, which some members of his crew use to charge their weapons with.

Tracker - His skin being sensitive to changes in the air and in the water, much like the nose on a bloodhound, once he catches a "scent", Ka'tan is able to track his target from miles away. More so if the weather is rainy or misty.

History: Unlike most of the crew he now works for, Ka'tan grew up very, very wealthy. Born the first son of a socially well-situated family, he wanted for little whilst growing up, mostly spending his time chasing various interests and indulging himself, without a care in the world. What access he had to the family money, he had used to pursue his vices, the most prominent one among them being buying his own social status by investing in any business opportunity that someone pitched to him, regardless of its chances of success.

It was one such an investment that their parents could no longer turn a blind eye to, as it had led to Ka'tan's arrest by the authorities, due to the "business" he had been throwing the family funds into ended up being a criminal organization, set on undermining and eventually assassinating the royal family.

Appalled by his recklessness, and under the threat of them also being dragged into a conviction for aiding an assassination plot, to protect their family and the rest of their children, Ka'tan's family urged Ka'tan to claim ignorance in front of the justice assembly, which he did. While accepting it as a possibility, the assembly was still not willing to let Ka'tan off the hook, and in the end, Ka'tan was condemned to "Sot'zar" - The Severance of Bonds.

No longer allowed to not only use, but to utter his family name for the rest of his days, he was cut off from his family and sent off planet, never to return. No longer a son. No longer a part of his people.

Penniless and nearly nameless, Ka'tan sought out to find work, and eventually landed on a ship full of bounty hunters, where he had served for the past six years. He's not overly fond of this work, but he is useful enough that they are willing to pay a little extra for each mission he gets sent to.

Other Information: TBA