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Welcome to [VtR] Tales of the Dark Capital

08:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Angel Asutilla

Name: Angel Asutilla     Height: 5'2"
Clan: Daeva              Weight: 105#
Covenant: Invictus       Ethnicity: Filipina
Bloodline: Spina         Striking Looks: 4
Apparent Age: 20ish.     Requiem Age: Known to be at least 70
Note: Filipino pronunciation of double l's is NOT the Spanish 'y' sound, but  'l-y' Asutilla is pronounced Ah-sue-til'-ya, not Ah-sue-tee'-ya.

Angel arrived in DC shortly after WWII. She worked as an Invictus enforcer for decades, until the Regency of Anacostia was established. Then, she opened Borderlands, a club between the two domains, to serve as a neutral meeting place for Kindred of all factions. She Vowed (with a capital V) to work to keep the peace, and to work against Kindred on either side of the border who encroach on the others territory.


Clean and elegant without ostentation, Borderlands was designed by the very finest of Kindred architects to be a space Kindred of any background could find comfortable. Specific in it's design is just enough modernity to make it less attractive to the elder crowd. The first story is comprised of a large dance floor around a central stage, surrounded by several bars along the walls. The second is a wide balcony around the perimeter, open in the center to the dance floor below.

The exclusive VIP area is open only to Kindred, but to any, regardless of Clan, Covenant, or lack thereof. Frequent events are held to draw Kindred of different interests, from classic rock night, to viewing various kine sporting events. The VIP area includes a gym where young Kindred can train in self defense skills their experience in life did not provide them, and private, secure rooms where the havenless can spend their days. Dragons periodically give seminars on the nature of unlife, with Sanctified and Acolytes offering lessons in their respective faiths. Classes in etiquette are also offered, drawing enthusiastic crowds.

1) Violence of any kind is not allowed, in either Kine or VIP areas. Management and sanctioned events are exempt.

2) No feeding on club grounds.

3) If you can't deal with Kindred of another Clan or Covenant, hang with your own somewhere else.

Angel Asutilla's palatial Georgetown estate. While grand by any standards, the manor has a strong Asian motif many a conservative elder does not find appropriate. Most assume she makes her Haven here, if not at Borderlands.