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Welcome to [DnD 3.5] The Lesser Evils

15:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


When most people view Wynter for the first time, they notice first a visage of a pious advisor wearing well appointed vestments common to several orders with a deep hood to shelter him from the sun's harshness, or when he requires careful contemplation.  A cold iron skull cap sits comfortably atop his bald head, and well worn gloves and sandals protect his hands and feet from the elements found while journeying upon his many pilgrimages.  A simple satchel hangs comfortably across his frame and doesn't seem to carry much in it, matching what one would expect of a simple traveling holy man.  However, many consider him a fool.  Because, only a fool would travel so far and wide without a weapon or a mount.

As such a viewer considers what they see, often they notice his features to be unremarkable.  Obviously hailing from Aiglaux.  Not too tall, maybe 5'9".  About as thin as you would expect, maybe 130#.  Simple sandy brown hair and unremarkable hazel eyes adorn his common face.  Quite boorish.  And that is exactly the point.  Infrequently, he might be caught also feeding a Raven that visits him, but such a bird would be quite common indeed.

To those powerful enough to see beyond the illusions, and one would have to wield considerable power to do such, Wynter's appearance has quite remarkable differences.  He stands solidly 6' tall with thin pale white skin stretched tight and over-emphasizing his sinew and bones.  His eyes are crimson and have the faint glow of dying embers at night.  His feet are shod with black boots adorned with rusted chains that make no rattling sounds as he moves.  His hands are adorned with black leather gloves with rune and sigil brands and stitching. His stark white hair seems to shift with an otherworldly breeze that never quite matches the current flow around him.

Should someone be unlucky enough to meet Wynter in battle, then they would come face to face with his Nightmare mount Midnight and his primary weapon Maugrinder, a slightly longer than 10' wickedly spiked chain crafted of unnatural black metal and the blood of those who've fallen to it.  Such a sight often reforms sinners and sends most fleeing for safety wherever they can find it.  And if it doesn't, then perhaps he and his undead followers will show them the error of their ways.