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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 1 (Reboot)

02:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Simone Moretti

Name: Simone Moretti

Play-By: Dusan Susnjar

Age: 40

Occupation: Music Producer

Birth Place: Venice, Italy

Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical Description: Short dark brown hair with pale blue eyes. He's quite tall standing at a cool 6'3. His fashion style is stylish in a very semi casual sort of way. He has a bit of a scruffy beard. He also originally being from Italy has a very Italian sound accent. It's quite strong, but he speaks good enough English that nobody really has too much trouble understanding him.

Distinguishing Marks: None

Personality: Simone has a very mature, worldly outlook on life. He has seen and done a great many things in his fourty years of life. Though his outlook on love is a tad bit jaded due to his now ex-wife having tried to have him killed him off for his very pricey life insurance some ten years ago. Still Simone doesn't want to give up completely on the thought of finding true love even at his age, hence why he agreed to come this show.

Background: Simone grew up in average income family in Venice, Italy. He was an only child though so he was a bit spoiled at times by his parents. He never let it go to his head though and always made sure to help his parents out around the house and around the cafe they ran whenever he could. As he grew older and came into his own he was recruited by a modeling agency and did some modeling for a number of years. It was during these years that he met his now ex-wife Mary and decided to move to America to be with her. He's been living there ever since. Though it was during this time that he discovered he had a very distinct for music and decided to quite being a model so that he could pursue a career in the music industry. Soon working his way up the ladder and eventually becoming a renown music producer. It wasn't but ten years later though that he discovered his greedy's wife's plot to hire someone to off him so that she could collect on his very hefty life insurance policy. Needless to say when he discovered this he had her and the man she hired on to kill him prosecuted and sent to prison. Despite coming close to death, Simone didn't let it get him down and rose from the ashes and continued on with his life, having a new appreciation for it.

Likes: Coffee, cooking, a good glass of wine, building things with his own two hands and going sailing

Dislikes: Poorly cooked food(he's a bit of a gourmet), cats and being deceived and or lied to.

Strengths: 1. Is an excellent marksman with has a license to own a firearm.
           2. Bilingual in both Italian, French and English
           3. Good with hands. In other words he's quite handy when it comes fixing things.
           4. Can cook.
Weaknesses: 1. Isn't the most tidy of people (but that's why I have a maid!)
            2. A bit of workaholic.
            3. Not a morning person like at all and can get quite irritable if woken before 9am without good cause to do so.
            4. Cats, he's terribly allergic to them
            5. Suffers from seasickness.
Fears: Growing old without a partner to keep him company during those golden years of his life.

Fun Facts: Was chess champion for a number years back in middle and high school.

The Perfect Person for You: Preferably someone that doesn't want to off me for my money. *laughs*