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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 1 (Reboot)

23:36, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Miles Holbert

Name: Miles Holbert

Play-By: Lasse Pedersen

Age: 21

Occupation: Youtube Stunt Artist
Subscribers: 517k
Follower Count: 253k

Birth Place: Sheffield, England

Sexuality: Pansexual

Physical Description: He is moderately tall at 6'2" in height. Built like a swimmer, long and lean, athletic. Bright, fiery wild red hair atop his head and mischievous blue-gray eyes. Miles has a playful air about him and carries himself with a fair bit of smoothness to the way he moves. Very fluid and almost graceful.

Distinguishing Marks: none

Personality: Miles is a little eccentric and very spontaneous. He shows very little respect for boundaries and while he's a nice guy that does sometimes lead to him saying a few things that catch people the wrong way. Or saying the quiet parts out loud. He's very friendly and the's not an ounce of judgmental in him.

Back Ground: Father is Gregory Holbert, construction worker. Mother, Leslie Holbert, a respected barrister. Miles grew up in Sheffield trying a bunch of different activities but none of them ever seemed to fit just quite right. After a while, his mother put her foot down and made him stick with gymnastics for two whole years after he dropped nearly a dozen other hobbies weeks after his parents invested in classes or some gear or something for them. He was actually very good but he felt confined by all the rules and the excessive training. Eventually he acted out and got himself tossed from a competition a couple months before a junior Olympics qualifier and that was that for gymnastics.

He ended up doing cheerleading for a little while as a young teenager and that stuck for a while. More because of the social aspect and the fact he was into more than a couple people on the team. He went through three of them in total. The first two he brought home his folks were happy to meet. When he brought the third home, his highly respected barrister mom did not take it well that Miles was making out with a boy on the couch.

From there, family life pretty much sucked. Things were cool with his dad who was very understanding, but he fought with his mom constantly. He spent a lot of time hanging out at his dad's construction sites at that point in his life. He'd just play around, running around the place and one day one the workers filmed it on their camera. They sent it to him, he uploaded it, and the rest was history.

Miles saw a way out from under his overbearing and intolerant mother and he took it. The second he turned 16 he was out the door and moved in with a friend's family. He started doing parkour and all sorts of stunts and putting them up on his new channel on youtube. It started going a little viral and people started reaching out to him inviting him to all sorts of crazy locations to do crazy stunts. His channel took off and he'd moved into his own loft before he turned 18. On his channel he's done base jumping, urban free climbing, all sorts of parkour stunts, behind-the-scenes videos to break down movie and tv stunts and re-enact them himself, videos where he learns how to do new physical stuff like rock climbing or spelunking.

His channel is called 'Miles High'. He interacts with fans and followers through the handle @RealMilesHigh_218.

Likes: Urban exploration, music, trying new things, spicy beef lumpia, parkour.

Dislikes: Formalwear, routine, judgmental people.

Strengths: Very flexible and adaptable.

Weaknesses: Unpredictable and can be awkwardly blunt.

Fears: A normal life, being paralyzed (just.. pull the plug).

Fun Facts: 2023 'The floor is lava' World Champion. Seriously. It's a thing. Look it up.

The Perfect Person for You: They have to be cool with spontaneity. If you're not up for a little zig-zagging at random in life we're probably not meant to be life partners. Now... sex partners... *winks*