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Welcome to ~~ SILVERMOON AGENCY ~~ {Adult}

02:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Natalya Stanislavivna Zozulya ~ GD Werewolf


Playby: ??
NAME:  Natalya Stanislavivna Zozulya
HEIGHT: 5’7”  WEIGHT: 113 lb  EYES: Amber HAIR: Dk Auburn
SPECIES: Werewolf  HUMAN RACE:  Cossack
BORN: 1591
AGE:  431

OCCUPATION:  Silvermoon Agent

Natalya {Nat}, was born in the beautiful country of Ukraine which can be told by the remnant of her accent.  She grew up in what to her was a normal werewolf family.  They lived in a colony of werewolves and to humans were a normal Cossack tribe.

Then the war, Polish–Muscovite War (1609–1618) which was a conflict fought between the Tsardom of Russia and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth together with Zaporozhian Cossacks, started and she rode with her fellow Cossacks to battle.  It was in this war she lost her family.

Being all alone in the world she survived in the wild and the streets of towns and cities she visited.  A lone wolf but didn’t want to find a mate for the fear of losing someone she truly loved was terrifying.  She learned many ways of fighting was honed as a mercenary in many wars.  She leaned to recognise the evil in the world and it's many causes.

There was one evil that she had discovered were fighting in that first war and it was they who had destroyed her family … VAMPIRES!  So through the decades she became a skilled vampire slater.  It was through this that she met Gray Pierce.  He told her of an agency in America that couuse fighters like her.  He had convinced her there were good as well as evil vampires living amongst them.  He told ger he knew her family and her loss.  Told her she was if Royal blood and the Silvermoon Agency could become her family.

Nat came to Miami and joined the Agency.  She now helps out where she is needed and has come to love all her comrades as family.  Nat knows and honours the fact that Kathleen is the White Wolf Queen and is sure that Gray will be King.

Together with the good vampires she has hope all Gid’s species can learn to live together in harmony.  Relaxing more into life she is starting to feel the need to find her mate and settle down..