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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 1 (Reboot)

03:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lucy Cole

Name: Lucy “Lou” Cole

Play-By: Florence Pugh

Age: 22.9

Occupation: Bartender/Mechanic/Photographer/Karaoke Goddess

Birth Place: Calabash, NC

Sexuality: Whatever, whenever


(Lou’s bio started as a riff on Vance’s but at some point she started taking it a little bit serious)

Physical Description: Lou looks a lot like her big brother Vance, only a whole lot hotter. Around 5’6”, athletic; brownish-blonde hair, usually dyed platinum (or purple, or auburn, or whatever flavor of Kool-aid happens to be in the cupboard). Unlike her brother, she tends to keep clean-shaved, but they share that cocky-sweet always-almost smile and the light hazel eyes.

Distinguishing Marks: She’s got a few tattoos, the most noticeable being an American-traditional crab on the inside of her left forearm, same place as Vance. Their brother Jacob was the one to do them (even though Vance would prefer to leave that part out). She ain’t in love with the mirror like her brother, so she don’t know if one eye is slightly more green than the other, but she’s got her own battle scars--most over her hands, where the engines took a few bites.

Personality: Lou’s easygoing with a good sense of humor. Her jokes aren’t as bad as her brother’s, but they ain’t much better, either. She’s talkative, but unlike Vance, she don’t often know when to shut up. Like her brother, she tends to move a little slower than most would like--not because she’s lazy, but because the rest of the world’s too fast.

Background: Born and raised in Calabash, NC, with her twin brothers Vance and Jacob, who were a couple years older than she was. She don’t know why they always acted like she didn’t work on the fishing boat, too--she did, and just as hard, though rather than dealing with nets and lines, she was usually tinkering with the engine.

Though her dad was old school, he didn't treat her all that different from the boys, and though her brothers were both real protective, they gave her enough hell growing up that she learned to take care of herself. When Vance and Jacob were older, they scared away more than a few boyfriends (and one kooky girlfriend from a snake-handler church they'd dubbed "Jenni the Tart"). She sometimes helped with their charters, but soon enough she was off finding her own adventures. She never managed to avoid church, though--Sunday was the one day a week their mama locked everyone down for together time--she hated it then, but in hindsight often misses it.

She feels pretty lucky for her family, and maybe a little guilty about the way she left after Jacob died--once they knew for sure Vance would survive, she took off to Fairbanks, Alaska--as far away as she could reasonably get from Calabash.

She’s been based in AK for the last three or so years, picking up a little technician work (mostly car engines, but she’s been learning about diesel and how to maintain the heavy machinery up at the Deadhorse oil fields), plus a little bartending to help ends meet. She’s trekked around taking some pictures with an old digital camera, though not so much of the scenery--Lou likes people, and she likes to hear their stories, so once she gets a person talking, she'll take a few snaps and write down whatever they're willing to share. She’s thinking one day when this journal of hers gets thick enough, she might publish a book called something like: “Folks”, just a giant collection of extraordinary tales told by regular people.

Likes: The open road, being new places, seeing new people, the freedom to do what she wants, using drunk as an excuse to be dumb, music (and don’t tell Vance, but she sure does like his), people who understand that “if it’s funny, then it’s okay.” Bars, dancing.

***Side note, Vance don’t like blondes, he only says so because it gets the brunettes fired up with somethin’ to prove.

Dislikes: Being tied (too far) down, routine, the concept of cubicles.

Strengths: Quick learner, open to a lot of things, makes a mean Cheerwine cocktail, gets along with most everyone. Like her brother, she's pretty laid back, tends to let most things slide, but unlike him, she's not immune to being provoked.

Weaknesses: Not great at telling people exactly how she’s feeling, especially if those feelings got some teeth. Rather go around trouble than through it. Cooking. While she loves to dance, it's definitely not in her wheelhouse.

Fears: Endings.

Fun Facts: Lou will guaranteed take your shirt in most any game of cards. Though she ain’t got the same sweet pipes as her brother, she can handle herself with a karaoke machine (favorite songs to sing, She Believes in Me by Kenny Rogers or Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo). Has a secret crush on Justin Hawkins from The Darkness.

The Perfect Person for You: Fun, funny, someone who don’t take things too seriously. Someone up for a little adventure, can’t be ready to settle or settle down. While Lou ain’t thinking long term, she’s not opposed to it--what she wants is to want nothing at all, to let it all go where it will.