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Welcome to DC X Marvel: Super Teen Battle World

00:04, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Andy Macguire

Codename: Alpha

Affiliation: villain(ish)

Age: 16

Looks: A tall blonde-haired boy with a spark of energy glimmering in his ever-deepening blue eyes. Like most active boys his age Andy is just beginning to define his more masculine body with a lean muscular frame. Generally seen with a "better-than-you" smirk on his face.

His costume while once black and green he has changed to red and blue as a silent tribute to Spiderman. He may never get the chance to prove himself to be the hero he wanted to be, but he will try not to forget the lesson of his mentor.

Personality: While perpetually arrogant and egotistical, he does care about others and those he considers a friend. He knows what it is to let others down and how fragile trust can be. Life has given him several hard lessons and he already knows there are many more to come but will always face them head on with his defining smirk and a bolt of energy. In his heart he desperately wants to be a hero and has the best intentions, but he paved the road to villainy with those good intentions and now stands at a gate to which there is no turning back.

Powers: While Andy was once capable of a great many feats, he has only regained three of his powers so far.

Energy projection: can blast power beams of cosmic energy from his hands and under extreme emotional distress can cause an explosion around him of the same energy.

Force-fields: Andy can create force fields around himself and others. With concentration he can extend this to a small area around him.

Flight: self-explanatory.

History: once a normal middle school kid, his class took a field trip to Horizon labs to witness the breakthrough by Peter Parker and his "peter-particles." However, after a mishap Andy was struck by a beam of energy trying to save a young girl named Chrissy. The blast should have killed him but instead he gained infused with energy giving him powers that no young child should have.

Peter Parker felt responsible for what happened to the boy and took him in under his wing to teach him and train him in his new powers. There were ups and downs including the emancipation from his own parents and becoming a part of Horizon Labs.

Soon his big break came, and Spiderman called on him in a battle against the abomination Terminus. Andy's arrogance and ignorance caused more damage than good, and Spiderman saw within Andy the potential for something terrible. Using alien technology Parker took a large portion of Andy's powers forcing him back to being a normal high school student.

With routine checkups Parker was able to keep Andy's powers drained and in check, much to Andy's distain. He resented this and wanted a second chance to be a hero, but damage was done, and Andy was too young, too irresponsible and immature to be trusted. Then fate intervened and the hero's disappeared, no make checkups and no more draining meant Andy slowly started regaining his powers. His second chance had finally come!

Yet the academy wouldn't accept him as a hero. Despite multiple attempts they saw him as too much a liability and not enough of an asset. The villains, however, welcomed Andy with open arms promising him a chance to show the world how great he was. Thats when Andy came up with the idea only someone as young and ignorant as him could come up with. He would join the villains, beat the heroes into a pulp and make them beg for him to join them as they should have allowed in the first place.