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22:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Stone (Merlin)

“I don't want to live in a world where the strong rule and the weak cower. I'd rather make a place where things are a little quieter. Where trolls stay the hell under their bridges and where elves don't come swooping out to snatch children from their cradles. Where vampires respect the limits, and where the faeries mind their p's and q's. My name is Oliver Stone. Conjure by it at your own risk. When things get strange, when what goes bump in the night flicks on the lights, when no one else can help you, give me a call.”

- Oliver Stone

The Basics

Real Name: Oliver Stone

Nickname: Ollie or Stone

Code Name: Merlin

Affiliation: Oliver, in general, falls on the 'good' side of the tracks- though his alignment is more neutral than lawful. While he's always happy to help those in need, and even ally himself with others who share goals similar to his own, he's not one for following rules or laws to a T. Oliver feels that many of the established laws and authorities are all bound up in red tape and semantics that get in the way of doing the job the right way.

Rank: Medium

Level: High

Race: Wizard

Current Location: (To be determined)

The Physical

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Birth Date: Unknown

Appearance: Overall, Oliver would be considered attractive by human standards- though fae and other beautiful creatures put his looks to shame, as they do countless others. Regardless, Oliver is well aware that piercing blue eyes, a strong jaw line and a charming smile can work wonders in a social interaction.

Clocking in at 5'10" and 157lbs, he is a fairly average male specimen. At least on the outside.

Oliver has a wiry musculature that suits his form quite well. He does not have the massive, overly large muscles of a body builder, or the toning of someone who regularly hits the gym. Rather, he has the lean muscles of a working man, someone who has worked their whole life to get what they want.

Though he does prefer to remain clean shaven, it's not uncommon to spot the beginnings of a beard on his chin when he hasn't slept for a few days.

Ollie is generally dressed pretty casually in jeans and a t-shirt- unless he's on the job, of course. For the most part, Oliver keeps his enchanted gear in a pocket dimension only accessible by using his arcane signature, until he needs it.

When donning his gear Ollie wears an ankle length coat over his normal clothes. Oliver carries three weapons- an ancient wooden staff with runes down its length, a sword sheathed on one hip and a revolver holstered on the other.

Though Oliver is lacking a little in the manners department, and few would ever expect him to play dress up, he does clean up nicely when necessary.

Under the Hood

Personality: Oliver is gruff, quirky and more than a little hard to read, more often than not. Many would consider him standoffish or grouchy even, but the truth is- he tends to drive people away on purpose.

Deep down, he is a wise-ass, intelligent guy with a penchant for dry humor, witty retorts, and making any serious situation trivial, in hopes of lightening the mood.

He has a lot of years under his belt, and a lot of knowledge to go with them. There is an obvious intelligence to his gaze, as well as the simple curiosity of a scientist or a scholar.

Oliver has an unmatched love for the world, the people in it, and the way things work. He is not against violence, but he doesn't like to participate unless absolutely necessary. In his line of work, it's necessary more often than he would like.

Overall, he is a witty, intelligent man. Those who get close to him may or may not get tired of his smartass comments, but they'll know that under that standoffish facade, he's a decent, caring guy.

Powers: When it comes to the arcane, Oliver is a jack of all trades and master of none. He has dabbled in every school of magic that he's come across, and is capable of casting spells from any and all of them, if necessary. Of course, he is not a master in every school, or any for that matter, but he is versed in them to some degree. For example, Oliver would find himself heavily outclassed if he were to get into a fight with a mage who has specifically dedicated their studies and training to learning spells that can deal damage. However, he could use various utility spells and weaker damaging spells to win, if he played it smart.

Oliver has spent his life delving into every pool of magic he can find, every nook and cranny where the most obscure spells hide. He's become a sort of arcane scholar, over the course of his extended life.

But, how would one describe the arcane? What is magic? The question has been asked countless times by countless people, who have received countless answers. But what is it really? Is it a gift from the Gods? The seed of life? An unstoppable force of destruction and chaos? Fictional nonsense?

Anyone in the know has answered the question honestly in their own way. Some say that it is a gift, or maybe a curse. Others say it is a result of their faith. Some even say it is a tool, given to us by some unknown force, whether it be the Gods or pure dumb luck.

In the end, each answer was correct and incorrect in its own way. The answers were true, factual, to those who gave them. It is what they believed, and belief is powerful. What you believe is true to you, it is everything. All of them are right, in their own way, but they're all wrong.

It is difficult to classify magic, the power it gives, as any one thing. It is... it's life, death, chaos, growth, power all in one. It's not easily defined.

Many have delved into the depths of magic and its meanings, and have come away with their own deep understanding. For example, if Oliver were to be asked about his power and how it works, he'd say:

Oliver Stone:
"Magic is a story you tell the universe. It's a woven tale meant to justify an end by changing the means. It is a hammer. It is a paintbrush. It is a typewriter and a bolt-cutter. A screwdriver and a draftsman's table. It is a canvas, and it is paint. It is a study and an art as broad as the universe and as shallow as the layer of moisture that coats a living eye. It is the ultimate tool for expressing a thought or building an empire. It forms part of the foundation of reality itself, and with it, anything is possible."

In the end, if one were to simplify it, magic is possibility. Magic gives those who utilize such forces the ability to make the impossible possible. Possibility, plausibility, and probability are each a force to be reckoned with, and Oliver is versed in all three. Given enough time and effort, he can force his will to take shape in a world where willpower is everything.

Magic is, in essence, a power source- one that feeds the impossible into an unwanting reality. In a world of gods, demons, angels and countless other creatures, magic is one of the few things that connects them, draws them into one commonality. Without magic, many believe that the world as we know it would crumble. The topic is debatable, but Oliver believes it wholeheartedly.

Belief is powerful. In Oliver's experience, most people have to believe in their magic to be able to tap into it in any capacity. Whether their powers are orderly or chaotic, their belief binds them to their host. The belief that they can or should be used and harnessed however the host sees fit.

That belief is the fuel for a raging fire of primal energies stored within their vessel. That belief is how one taps into the impossible. Belief and possibility go hand in hand. Whether one's belief, one's faith, is placed in a certain religion or simply oneself... if they believe, the possibility of success (no matter how small) is there. It exists.

Limitations: Oliver's power is limited by his own magical reserves. If he exhausts too much mana, he will pass out, or even die if he pushes it too far. Small spells like lighting a fire are of little consequence. But, more advanced spells such as teleporting over long distances, must be used carefully, lest he be left vulnerable and exhausted in the process.

On top of that, Oliver has implemented his own moral limitations, which takes the form of a set of rules that he forces himself to follow to a T.

Oliver's Rules:
1. Always be the smartest guy in the room. Magic is not meant to be thrown about willy-nilly. One must know what they're doing, how to conceal their powers among the Muggles, or things will get out of hand... fast.

2. No killing with magic. For obvious reasons, killing with magic can lead one down a dark path of greed and power grabbing.

3. No shape-shifting other people. Turning princes into frogs is an obvious no-no. The body is a temple, and it is meant to be private. Changing one's physical form without their consent can easily traumatize the person in question.

4. No invading or dominating another person's mind. Breaking into the mind of a mortal is like breaking into their home. It leaves them feeling vulnerable... violated, in more ways than one.

5. No swimming against the currents of time. Time travel is always an iffy topic, one that many choose to avoid entirely. For good reason. Changing the past changes the future, which can be catastrophic.

Weapons: Oliver carries three weapons- an ancient wooden staff with runes down its length, a sword sheathed on one hip and a revolver holstered on the other. He also wears an enchanted, ankle length jacket. The revolver is a mundane weapon, but the other three items boast various enchantments.

Ollie's Staff is his main arcane focus, and he tries to avoid casting spells when its not in reach. Other than its ability to help focus his magic and make it more potent during casting, the staff isn't terribly special. The runes along its length are mostly dedicated to honing the caster's magic, but there are several used for strengthening the staff itself. Essentially, the staff is indestructible. At least, Oliver hasn't found anything capable of damaging it- arcane, mundane or otherwise.

Oliver's Coat is heavily enchanted with defensive magic. The leather cannot be pierced, cut, torn or damaged in any way. Bullets, knives and other piercing weapons or projectiles simply bounce off. While such weapons do not travel through the material, the force is still present. If something hits the coat hard enough, Oliver will feel it, and he can easily take damage from heavy blunt objects. Hammers, for example. All of that said, the coat only protects areas that it covers- meaning that his head, hands and feet are all vulnerable.

The sword Oliver carries is an ancient relic known as Caliburn. It is one of two well known blades that appear in the various Arthurian legends. Oliver is unsure how he acquired the sword, but it was laying beside him in the cave where he woke centuries prior. The name of the weapon is carved into the blade, and has been since he first laid his eyes on it. Caliburn is capable of cutting through anything that is not magically protected- corporeal, or otherwise. It is capable of cutting mundane steel as if it were butter, for example. It can cut through weak enchantments without much effort, but high level magic can keep the blade at bay. Caliburn is able to damage flesh and spirit alike, meaning that ghosts and the like are not safe in its presence. It is a powerful blade, but using it takes a toll on the wielder. In Oliver's case, it drains his magic reserves a little each time he swings it. If he's not careful, he could pass out mid-battle.

Weaknesses: Other than the massive, glaring vulnerability called mortality, he doesn't have that many specific weaknesses. While he is ageless, he's not invincible, so there's that.

Oliver is a very talented spell slinger, but in close quarters combat he is lacking. While he does know how to fight, and he is scrappy, he's had little to no formal training in the area. Oliver carries a blade, but he's no master when it comes to swordplay, so anyone who has dedicated their life to honing their skills will have little trouble beating him in such a clash.

On top of that, any opponent that is resistant to the arcane will generally have a leg up on Oliver. He doesn't have much in his repertoire other than an ever expanding knowledge of the occult, some mediocre sword skills and the revolver he keeps loaded on his hip. While he's not a master marksman, Oliver has practiced quite a bit with the revolver, so he's a pretty decent shot with it.

Overall, his biggest weakness is that he relies on his magic far too much. So much so that he doesn't even see it as the obvious weakness that it is.

The Juicy Bits

Family: Once upon a time, Oliver's surname was 'Wyllt,' before he changed it to something a little more modern as time marched on. Myrrdin Wyllt was the original Welsh name of the Merlin mentioned in Arthurian legend. While Oliver knows little of his past or his family, he knows that he rests somewhere on Myrrdin's family tree.

Members of this bloodline are not technically human, though they do share the appearance of such creatures. In essence, they are fueled by magic, rather than food and water and sleep. These beings, Myrrdin's legacy, are known as Wizards. Not mages or sorcerers. Those terms are a classification. Wizards are a species all their own, that are inherently connected to the arcane energies of the world.

Love Interest: Oliver has visions and dreams of a woman from his past, from time to time. However, in these visions, her face is always blurred or hidden in some way, whether it be behind a mask or the dark hood of a cloak. Oliver can't remember who she is, what she means to him, but he feels a connection, a warm sensation deep in his chest, whenever she crosses his mind.

History: There's not much to say about Oliver's history, mostly because he doesn't discuss it. With anyone. He prefers to keep his private business close to his chest.

On a deeper level, he doesn't discuss his past because there isn't much to discuss.

Oliver has little to no recollection of his past, his childhood, etc. Several centuries back, Oliver woke up from a deep slumber that, he theorized, was caused by a sleeping curse, or some other malicious force. Regardless of the reason, he had slept for countless years, and his memory was in shambles.

To this day, he still has not recovered the lost memories of his past life.

That said, he's built a new life for himself in this modern world.