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Welcome to Life in Breckenridge

19:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Zoey Frasier

Name: Zoey Frasier

Nickname (if applicable): Zo, Zee

Age: 23

Is your character a visitor, newcomer to town, or resident? If they are a resident, how long have they been in Breckenridge?: New comer to town

Occupation: Music and art teacher

Faceclaim: No drawings/anime characters, etc. Elle Fanning

Theme Song: Fly - Maddie & Tae

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Zoey has straight, long, thick blonde hair that is usually worn either down or if she's working, in a high ponytail. Her blue/green eyes are framed with long eyelashes, but can sometimes be hidden behind colorful frames, depending on her mood and outfit. She's considered to be on the taller side, a 5'9" and lean thanks to dancing up until high school. A tiny sprinkle of freckles are spread over her nose and cheeks.

Personality Description: Usually very cheerful, can be found always with a joke and a teasing grin on her lips. Is known to sing random lyrics when bored or if it seems too quiet.

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual): Likes: Painting, music, art, reading, children, riding horses. Dislikes: bullies, procrastinating, too much quiet

History: Zoey was born in Georgia, as the only child of known romance author and single mother, Linda Frasier. Because of her mother's reputation as having books come out one right after the other, Zoey was often left to herself as her mother pretty much locked herself in her room until she finished another novel. The house was always needing to be silent, so as to not distract her mother from writing best sellers. Since Zoey was left to herself most times, she felt the need to keep herself occupied. She found a love for learning all the instruments she could, her favorites being the guitar and piano which she played in the studio in the backyard. When her mother did have a rare break from writing, the time was used to make sure her daughter was a perfect lady, complete with debutant and etiquette lessons, and hobbies such as horseback riding to win numerous medals.
When Zoey got into college, she met her boyfriend Dylan, a student of architect and star baseball player. Their relationship seemed perfect to everyone who knew them and it was known fairly quickly after the first year together, they would marry. Dylan graduated and at the celebration party, he proposed to Zoey in front of all their friends and family. The wedding came closer, and the feelings of cold feet was not a stranger to either, but it seemed they would get through it via several talks with family and friends. On the day of the wedding, when all the guests were seated and the music started to play, Zoey waited at the back of the aisle waiting for her cue to walk. It wasn't until her mother walked up to her, a look of hurt on her face, that Zoey knew something was wrong. Dylan had been waiting at the front but when the music started, he suddenly walked out the side door claiming to need air. But as the time ticked on, a groomsmen went outside to check and came back pale faced, claiming the groom was nowhere to be found and the car missing.