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01:40, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Lady Euphoria
Gender: Female (she/her)
Archtype: Seelie Chevalier
Race: Summer Fae - Nymph
Age: At least one Renaissance man has escaped her grasp and channeled his trauma into a painting.
Theme: Luring_Men_to_their_Doom.mp3


The Physical

Physical Description:

Euphoria's mortal glamour is intimidatingly beautiful. She is the sort of woman you'd fantasize about picking up at a bar but never have the guts to speak to. Maybe it's self-preservation. There is a sense of something dangerous lurking underneath those long, dark lashes. She is tall and slender like a model, tightly packed with muscle. She carries herself with elegance and grace, even if her personality doesn't mesh. When left to her own devices she is quite slovenly. She makes even jogging pants and sweatshirts look good. Hell, she'd prefer to go naked if mortals didn't stare.

When forced to dress up, Euphoria flaunts sleek, minimalist fashions. Small breasts allow her to get away with billowy, open shirts, even when it's not appropriate, and maintain a somewhat androgynous figure. Her black, wavy hair cascades down her back and whips about her face, making her look like a chivalrous knight straight from a fairytale. However, she is far from one.

Alternate Form:

It's best you don't find out.

Talents & Weaknesses


Euphoria is naturally athletic and pursued the life of a warrior because it was easier than convincing anyone that she had a smidge of creativity. As far as Shilde go, Euphoria is especially quick and nimble, relying on her speed in a fight. As well as some dirty tricks. She is an expert swordswoman, having learned swordplay for both entertainment and warfare. As an unarmed combatant, she has the prowess of someone who's hunted in the Nevernever for centuries, climbing trees as tall as buildings and navigating difficult terrain. When all else fails, she lashes out with teeth and claw, like the old-school nymphs.

Like many of the Seelie, Euphoria is drawn to dancing. She spends most nights partying in clubs until dawn. She is also partial to poetry. Because what dashing knight doesn't also recite poetry?


Aside from the usual abilities of a Seelie warrior, Euphoria wields the following unique powers:

Wild Blood - Pure magic courses through her veins. It's only fitting blood is the medium by which she channels most of her supernatural power.

Forest Fire - She can heat her body or anything she touches at will. At lower temperatures, she can burn and melt things on contact. At higher intensities, she can start fires.

Watery Tarts, Distributing Swords - Her sword is an ancient one bestowed by nymphs and is imbued with some simple magical tricks.


Euphoria has all the vulnerabilities of a fae.

Under The Hood


When most imagine a nymph, a docile maiden with hair full of flowers comes to mind. She is often able to turn into trees and spends her days splashing naked in streams. She lives in fear of the hungry eyes of Gods and men who might devour her or worse - take her as a wife. Her fate has no escape other than to flee or self-destruct. Euphoria is not one of those nymphs. Nor are most of her ilk. This is a story told by men. The sort of men who feared the wilderness and how easily it can break them. Nymphs are manifestations of nature's beauty, that is true, but they are also wild, dangerous things. They drown men for fun and feed them to ravenous beasts. They can tear a man limb from limb with their bare hands. Poor Orpheus learned that the hard way. Euphoria's bloodlust has been long rewarded by the Summer Court. As such, she is as impartial and cruel as Mother Nature herself.

Euphoria is a deeply physical thing, thinking little of her actions or their consequences. If she thinks about much of anything at all. She only cares for the here and now. She single-mindedly pursues whatever pleasure (or pain) she can squeeze out of life. And her's is a long, easily bored one. Her natural temperament is aloof and effortlessly cool. As though she doesn't care about anything and never has to try. It's also true that she hates bothersome things, becoming frustrated at anything she's bad at. When the right person comes along and ignites her competitive streak, she practically glows with excitement. There are few things that she enjoys more than the thrill of the fight. Only sometimes does she regret not living a gentle life writing poetry, planting vegetables, and painting bowls of fruit. Not that she would ever admit to something so dishonorable as being a fruity little nerd.


Euphoria spent most of her days loitering in an enchanted forest on the edge of the Nevernever. Before serving the Summer Court, her time was spent frolicking, swimming, and hunting with other nymphs. As protectors of nature, their territory was dangerously close to a waypoint in Earth's remaining wilderness. Many men who stumbled across their borders were cruelly tormented or outright killed. Unless, of course, they paid the nymphs proper respect. It is unfortunate how many mortals could not behave themselves in a place brimming with beautiful girls. They had a softer spot for lost women but were not above punishing transgressions. Especially against nature. Sicking woodland creatures on these poor mortals were her and her kind's favorite form of execution. But unlike the others, Euphoria took pleasure in dirtying her own hands. This taste for blood is one of the reasons the Summer Court saw a worthy vassal.

In the beginning, Euphoria's loyalty to Queen Titania was self-preservation. And the preservation of her community. When her forest was taken by the Summer Court, she offered herself willingly as a political token, securing the sisterhood's protection under Summer's rule. Even among the Sidhe, her kind was coveted for their wild beauty. She was made a dancer to entertain the royal court and served there until Queen Titania found her fighting skills far more entertaining. Euphoria quickly climbed the ranks as a faerie soldier, slaying Summer's enemies in her realm and all the rest. Until she was knighted and seated in the hall she once performed in. Since gaining favor, Euphoria has become an inquisitor of sorts, slipping in and out of the mortal realm to do their dirty work, as she never cultivated a taste (or a head) for politics.