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10:55, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Azalea Ainsworth

Name: Azalea Ainsworth
Archetype: Grizzly Assassin
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 30
Race: Hexenbeast (Grizzly Bear)
Theme: SIAMÉS - Mr. FEAR


The Physical

Physical Description:
Azalea is a little short for a woman reaching her 30’s, and though strong of arm from the labors of the service industry, many would describe her as scrawny. She has a loud sense of style. Though her fashions are years out of date and bought secondhand, she falsely deems herself a fashionista. She favors bright neons and especially pinks. She often dies her shoulder length blonde hair in pink.

Alternate Form:
A massive, terrifying grizzly bear, bristling with teeth and claws.

Talents & Weaknesses

She has a mind tuned for games, a vicious bloodlust, and incredible drive to a singular goal. Very tech savvy, in love with electronics and has a basic to advanced understanding of code.

Can change form with the use of a talisman made of the carved and intertwined tooth and claw of a grizzly bear. Increased senses of a beast, and a moderate healing factor.

Outside of her bear form, she is significantly weaker. She is impulsive towards the grabbing of power and self-validation, and the talisman slowly saps away her sense of humanity with prolonged use, even if she foolishly thinks she can conquer it.

Under The Hood

Azalea is driven like a woman on fire and demands to be seen at all costs. To her or otherwise. She wears her ravenous nature on her sleeve, unsettling many, coming from such a small frame. Especially in online spaces, this has dwindled her platform to those who see her try-hard nature as a novelty, most are driven off by her socially cannibalistic nature. She has an obsessive love for games and strategy, and will stop at nothing to have the glory she feels she rightly deserves. Which she feels she has been denied. She becomes quickly frustrated with anyone unable to keep up with her, though she has a devastating soft spot for her rivals. Obsession is her element.

Azalea has lived a life in endless, uphill grind. Ravenous to become something, she’s pulled herself in a lot of directions at once. When she’s not trying and failing to eke out a presence as a gaming streamer in a vast sea of content, she’s slaved away at her day job at Captain Kraken’s Crabs & Cracklin’s Seaside Bar and Grill. After being denied her climb to manager for years in the small town of Bar Harbor, Maine, Azalea has lost most of her connections to friends and family, watching as each moved somewhere nicer as soon as they could. Not Azalea. There is only the grind, and the goal ever further away.

Until the performance review where she finally snapped. 10 years of perfect reviews. No promotion. The bloodthirst was getting too much. That bloodthirst, that frustration, drew attention, the gaze of things as ravenous as she. The Winter Court. A royal envoy approached her in the cold bite of the October night with a talisman befitting of her nature. She just had to use that ferocity to their ends, and she could do whatever she wanted with it on her own time. It was a deal Azalea was more than happy to take.

 She had what she needed now. She demanded an immediate transfer to New York, to the lights and opportunities where she could claim what she deserved. After she left, the Captain Kraken’s Bar Harbor closed. Apparently, the franchise owner had staged an animal attack on the restaurant after hours that left the location beyond repair or operation, and disappeared with the safe. Not the money in the safe. The safe.

Azalea reached New York at last. Well, Staten Island at least, at the Staten Island Captain Kraken’s Crabs & Cracklin’s Seaside Bar and Grill. Now a year in. Azalea stares across the bay at the lights of New York City with hunger in her eyes. It was everything she’d dreamed of and she was going to take it. She’d traded for power and had a hit list to fulfill with the promise of more.

What’s more, she was up for her first performance review. And with a recently missing shift manager, a position had opened up.

Oliver Banks - a new friend who helped Azalea make a getaway. She owes him a meal and forgot to text him that she made it safely.
Euphoria - Crush, and counter-agent from the Summer court. Very bluntly observing and even aiding in Azalea's hunt for the names on her hitlist.
Renatta Porta - Owner of Club Euterpe, where Azalea is hiding out. Longtime friend of Euphoria. Azalea's trying to earn her trust, as they hunt a common foe.
Queen Mab (or at least her envoys)
Tybalt - Prince of Cats. Envoy of Winter, Azalea's main contact point. A black cat with a big white spot on his chest. Azalea keeps him in Friskies as a courtesy.
The targets on the ongoing hit list the Winter Court has given her, both human and otherwise
The staff at Captain Kraken's
What few followers and collaborators she has on her platform.