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Welcome to Life in Breckenridge

04:14, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mikala Dubois

Name: Mikala Dubois

Nickname: Mika

Age: 24

Is your character a visitor, newcomer to town, or resident? If they are a resident, how long have they been in Breckenridge?: Newcomer whose only been living there for the past year and half.

Occupation: Waitress

Face claim: Virginie Ledoyen

Theme Song: She Used to be Mine:

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: A petite slender young woman with mid shoulder length brown hair and expressive dark brown eyes. Her skin has a natural sun kissed glow to it as well. Her dress is usually semi casual based when out and about the town. But at home she much more laid back and can usually be seen dressed down in tank tops and sweats or leggings. She also has a small tattoo of a blue and black colored butterfly just below her right shoulder.

Personality Description: Look at her from the outside most would consider her personable and friendly and always having a warm smile and kind word for you. On the inside though Mikala is lost and lonely. Despite feeling this way though she keeps it under wraps and never lets anyone see how weak she really was.

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual): Like to play the piano. More so then that though she likes to sing. It was her passion at one point. As for dislikes go, she dislikes being lied to as well as being used in any shape or form by anyone. Men especially.

History: Mikala moved to Breckenridge about a year and half ago. Her mother who died of cancer when she was eighteen was originally from Breckenridge but left it after meeting and marrying her father. But that's only part of the reason why she moved here. She mainly moved here so as to try to make a new life for herself after getting out of an unhealthy relationship with an old boyfriend. Mikala wants to forget her past and start to build a brand new life for herself in a brand new town. Whether she can or will accomplish this goal that has yet to be seen.