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09:43, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Alwyne Hexe

Is your identity public or secret?: Public

Age: According to her ID, she's 25

Gender/sexuality: Female/Pansexual & Panromantic

Appearance (general): Alwyne is rather tall, standing at 5'10" (178 cm), with long, somewhat messy-cut white hair and light brown, almost hazel eyes.  She is fair skinned and probably doesn't tan so much as burn.  She is rather slender, with a pretty face and cute nose, and doesn't seem to paint her nails or wear makeup beyond a bit of foundation (nor does she need to - and the makeup may just be how she looks or might be magic, because that's how she do).  She isn't super-endowed up top, but she's still big enough to turn heads when she flaunts the girls, and she got legs that don't quit and a booty to match.

Still, what most people remember about her is her gentle gaze and her welcoming demeanor.  Until she opens her mouth, but that's for a different section.

Scents/Sounds/Etc: For those with heightened, magical, or otherwise enhanced senses, the following applies:
Scents: Alwyne smells like a forest and herbs, but only in the pleasant sense.  It is objectively and subjectively pleasant to anyone who isn't outright immune to all magic, and to those who are, it's still rather nice for the most part and thankfully won't activate any allergies.  Even when she's been sweating.  Dump sewage on her and she'll have to get clean like anyone else, obviously, but she thankfully has magic for that, and it generally cleans her to a clinical level (the scent of blood or traces of DNA and such are gone as if they were never there when she uses her magic to clean herself, otherwise they remain as normal).
Sounds: Her voice is generally pleasant to the ear, and her breathing, heartbeat, and other passive sounds of existing are normal for a healthy young adult woman.
Visual Appearance: To most, she appears pleasantly beautiful, and her garb appears as finely woven wool and linen with brass accents.  To those with heightened vision, her clothes and skin are unnaturally perfect, not a weave out of place, and her body appears less clean shaven and more "there was never hair to grow in the first place".  Those with magical sight can see the influence of enchantments, but there are no illusions - if it had to be classified as anything, it would be some sort of transmutation magic, and there are magical enhancements surrounding her entire body both originating from herself as well as her garb.  To go even further, she appears impossibly flawless on a microscopic level, and there are... paths in her veins and nervous system that glow and pulse with an otherworldly light, but even when she bleeds, they aren't visible to non-superhuman sight.  Not even a microscope could see them, but super-vision  of any kind can.  The glowing paths are her magic and there are 'nodes' where her lymph nodes are as well as, of course, massive nodes in her heart and brain.
Touch: She's pleasantly soft and silky in all the right places.
Taste: Like a clean, healthy woman after a bath, with just a hint of pleasant sweetness.  Yes, even when she's been sweating, although the expected saltiness is present then.
Mind: Reading her mind on a surface level gets you a bunch of Vtubers in various languages either performing songs or just streaming in general.  Read at your own risk.

Costume: She wears a sizable, well-worn hat with a large belt where it meets the brim, and a long, flowing top that looks elegant and impractical in equal measure.  She has a choker around her neck and a pauldron strapped to her right shoulder.  For no reason she has ever given to others, her sleeves are not attached to her top, but sort of exist on her arms.  Around her forearms, the sleeves become form-fitting and white, held in place by a pair of straps on each arm that match the one on her hat, ending with a leather half-glove-thing that only covers the back of her hand.  Her lower garb consists of two thigh-high leggings that match the elegance and impracticality of her top, and on her feet are a pair of heeled boots.  There is no skirt - either the back of her top covers her bum or she may as well be walking around in a high-waisted one piece swimsuit or leotard for all she's covering up.

She also has a long, pale green-handled broom with what appears to be a bronze tip on one end and simple straw at the other, held in place by a well-crafted and (say it with me now) elegant piece of bronzework.

Her outfit is also accented with the same material.  Why it doesn't pinch her is likely due to magic.

Personality: Alwyne is, to be blunt, a huge flirt (but also rather weak against more direct and blatant flirtation towards her).  She is far from shy about letting her desires be known, nor from hiding her confusion about things that most people find to be common sense.  She is also incredibly curious, but thankfully also very respectful of personal boundaries and leaving well enough alone.  She is usually found either lost in thought or focused on a task at hand, even if that task is trying to make the moving picture with sound work again on the bright tablet that just went dark.

She's not the best with modern technology, and it shows.  Bless her, she's trying.

Interests/hobbies/likes: Flirting, eating tasty food, flirting, hanging out with friends, being seductive, reading fiction, learning new languages and about other cultures, singing and dancing, watching VTubers, memes, music of all kinds, the modern interpretation of pirates

Dislikes/pet peeves: Rude manners in public (chewing with your mouth open, talking on speakerphone at the deli, playing music without earbuds, etc), self-deprecation used as a method to deflect self-care, bananas on pizza, paparazzi, being teased about her confusion with technology like smartphones

Background: Alwyne is of Germanic origin and has practiced her school of witchcraft since childhood.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
While she refuses to admit it, she was born a few thousand years ago and, while only being alive for 35 years, ended up displaced in time in her mid twenties to end up in the modern day.  She spent most of the past ten years learning modern culture, language, and trying not to accidentally start fires when she was frustrated (thankfully she was the most successful at the last bit, although one Gävle Goat in Sweden was an unfortunate victim).

Powers/abilities (general): In short, Alwyne is a witch.  She has a variety of magical abilities she can use that cover the gamut of flight, invisibility, physical enhancement, healing, telekinesis, telepathy, scrying, curses, and (very obvious) offensive spells.  However, due to her variety, she's not overly powerful in any one way, and relies more on her versatility than being able to overpower others.  She is at her best when supporting another hero or heroes.

She has confirmed that she has spells that can alter memories and control minds but has also stated rather publicly and emphatically that she abhors their use when such things can be avoided.

She has also made such statements in private where the media is very likely to never find out, because she actually means it.

Other: She is multilingual, being fluent in several languages both past and present.  Among them are American English, Modern German, Ancient Germanic & Norse, Standard Modern Japanese, Latin, French, and Mexican Spanish. 

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
She is also still catching up on modern technology and culture, with a particular interest in entertainment.

She also has a tiny dragon familiar named Schnuckiputzi.