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Welcome to The Fruition Trials

12:01, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cassandra Wilson

Name: Cassandra Wilson
Nickname (if any): Cassie
Age: (18-30 if a Contestant) 24
Theme Song: (Optional) Vengeance (Blue Oyster Cult)
Class: Prominent (History Teacher)
Position in Game: Contestant
Character Visual: Allyson Hannigan

Appearance/Distinguishing Features: Cassandra is an attractive young woman, with short red hair, blue eyes, stands a petite 5'3" and weighs 110 lbs.  She is somewhat curvy but still thin, with a slight athletic build.  She often wears reading glasses which gives her a nerdy appearance

Personality: Cassie is passionate, curious, emotional and naive.  She likes to be friends with everyone, but is not a flirt.  Indeed, she seems to avoid relationships.  She can be shy in crowded situations and has troubles forgiving those who hurt her.  She is intelligent and firmly believes what she has learned and discovered.

At school, she is intense, trying to bring history alive by getting students to connect with it in a modern way.  Of course, she teaches from the books assigned, but she occasionally throws in her thoughts and personal knowledge.  Her favorite assignment is to get students to play divergent classes, and let them see how that changes their views, an exercise that her students love but tends to worry staff and parents.

In her private life, she is much less outgoing.  She is friendly, and meets people on almost an empathic level, trying to connect with them emotionally.  As such, it makes her seem very shy and easily hurt.  She is not a party person, nor is she looking for relationships.  Her private activities include writing, painting and exploring.  She is an amateur outdoors woman, very much loving hiking, camping, studying animals and birds.  In many ways, she is more at home alone outdoors than she is even in the classroom.

Occupation: High School History Teacher

Special Talents: TBD

History: Cassandra Wilson is the only offspring of Horatio and Ellen Wilson.  Her father was a university professor and writer, her mother was a scientist.  She grew up in a house of knowledge, but mostly was her father's daughter.  He instilled in her the love of both reading and history, but her intelligence came from her mother, which led to her love of studying nature.  Both of these influences steadied her when her mother died when Cassie was 12, a victim of an unknown cancer that was a results of tests that were kept from the public.  Her father took her even more under his wings, protecting her and teaching her.  The stories of the old history he used to tell her became the facts that she understood few knew as she got older.  Unfortunately, that ended when he disappeared on a trip when she was 17

An only child, Cassie was on her own after her 17th birthday.  She attended college, then began teaching when she was 23.  Even then, her outspoken opinions on history were noticed, and while she was unaware, she was being watched.  Her most treasured possession is the small notebook from her father, that had all of his notes on 'vanished' history.

Family: Cassandra has no family that she is aware of, as both her parents are dead.  There were rumors that her mother was related to someone in the Illustrians, but that was never confirmed.  Indeed, if it were true, her mother never told her.

Likes and Dislikes: Cassie loves people as a whole, but dislikes those that are fake or try to use her for their own ends.  She is particular to hot chocolate, sharp cheese and hates lima beans and raw fish.  Treat her right and she is your friend for life.  Treat her wrong and she may never forgive you.

Worst Fears: She has three main fears.  One is a fear of being tortured, having knives and hot objects used on her.  She is also afraid of losing control, or being controlled, as in being held or controlled by another.  Finally, she is afraid of trying to help someone and having them die because of her mistakes.  She isn't sure she could handle that.

Additional Information:
Writing Sample: "Your papers are due when we come back Monday, and I will randomly determine who starts with the presentations once I have them.  Have them in by midnight Sunday, okay?  And remember, whatever grade you get, you can always rewrite it and see if you can raise it.  Have a great weekend!"

She said goodbye as they left, hugging a few, and was unaware when her Principal came up behind her.

"We will need to get a substitute to do those papers and presentations, Miss Wilson," he said softly in his normal monotone voice.  "Thank goodness, unlike some, you have excellent lesson plans for the rest of the semester."

Cassie looked up at him, frowning.  "What do you mean, a substitute.  Rest of the semester.  I have no plans to take leave, you know."

He sighed, then handed her an envelope.  Her breath froze as she saw the familiar gold band along the outside, the stylized machine-created calligraphy in gold on the front.  It was only then that she saw the videographer behind her boss.  Numbly, she took the envelope and opened it.

"Dear Cassandra Allen Wilson.  Salutations.  We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to compete in the Fruition Trials as a Contestant.  All of the details of your competition will be delivered to you shortly, and you can begin packing so that you can appear at the appointed time to be..."

"What are your thoughts, Miss Wilson," the videographer stated, moving closer.  "How do you feel about this great honor?"

Cassandra looked over her shoulder, as if someone would show up to explain, then looked at the pained but relieved expression on her Principal's face.  Then, she looked at the guy with the camera.

"M-my thoughts?  At selection?  I... This cannot be happening.  Not to me.  This isn't real... this is a nightmare..."  And without another word, she did something she had never done before in her life.  She fainted.