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Welcome to Life in Breckenridge

19:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jackson Bondurant

Name: Jackson Nathaniel Bondurant
Nickname: Jacks, Bond (usually in teasing from colleagues)
Age: 28
Relation to Breckenridge: Resident for 1 year
Occupation: Detective
Faceclaim: Mark Wahlberg
Theme Song: Tie between Barns Courtney - Fire and Barns Courtney - Glitter & Gold to be decided soon

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: The first distinguishing feature that most people notice about Jackson is his hunter-like piercing brown eyes with a ring of thin burnt orange flame around the pupils, all framed under a stern brow. Next is his athletic physique, which is well-maintained due to his physically demanding occupation as a detective. He usually wears a cocky half-grin by default, and few (if any) in Breckenridge have seen his fearsome glower. He walks with a lazy strut when relaxed, and prefers comfort over style in his attire. He’s at home in jeans and a fitted tee anywhere he goes, with a warm denim or hooded black canvas jacket in cold seasons. He keeps a thick layer of stubble on his jaw and his chocolatey short crop of hair stays a length short enough to barely get a handful of.

Personality Description: “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence.” A quote that would come to mind for anyone that’s met him. Jackson loves to play the smart-ass and uses humor as a crutch often, which is a common trait for people who are faced with the worst of humanity (inside and outside the force) on a daily basis. Once upon a time, Jackson would do anything and everything for friends and family, but has come to learn in the course of his life that he doesn’t need to bleed himself dry for everyone. His trust isn’t easily earned, but once he lowers his inner defenses for you it takes an act of divinity to change his mind. Taught at a young age to be a hard worker and breadwinner, he’s sometimes known as a workaholic.

Likes and Dislikes: Jackson enjoys relaxing with a chilled beverage (usually alcoholic), peace and quiet, and maybe one or two close friends for company. He loves camping, hunting, fishing, and exercising. He dislikes people generally, especially liars, those who appear inauthentic, and those who seem to be out for themselves only.

History: WIP