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12:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cobalt Panic

Name: Cobalt Panic
Nickname: None he likes.
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: The tender age of 77.
Race: Sunscortched Elf
Class: Battlemage


The Physical

Height: 6’5”
Weight: Willowy
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Orange

Physical Description:

Cobalt strikes a tall but slender figure, crowned with curious horns, even among Sunscorched elves. His skin is brown with blue undertones so that it appears the color of molten stone. He hides the patches of tough, reptilian-like hide that he was born with under his self-sewn hempen robes. He claims the markings are burns and refuses to talk about them. Due to his somewhat odd appearance, it’s assumed his father was not Sunscorched. The most popular (and ridiculous) of these rumors center around his legendary mother laying with a dragon and bearing its children. Cobalt is a twin with his sister, Clover. Although he is much taller than her, he is the younger sibling, and she never lets him forget it. His cousin, the blacksmith Silvia, crafted him and his sister silver bands that wrap around the base of their horns so they appear part of a headdress. Despite his willowy frame, his arms have the definition and tone of a devoted spearman. His hands bear the callouses of years of obsessive spear hunting, carpentry, and fishing. He is most vain about his long, dark hair, which he keeps braids and ponytails.

Under the Hood


Cobalt is a placid and awkward man of many special interests. He is often surrounded by—or seeking respite from—louder personalities like Silvia and Clover. Unlike the fiery women of his family, Cobalt is known to sit in one place for a whole day if the break from his usual routine allows it. Cobalt is an obsessive builder, whether it be gardening or carpentry. He’s almost ritualistic in his crafts and interests. That said, he’s easy to throw off-center and will become quite literally heated when provoked. When upset, Cobalt enjoys sitting in water to cool down. He’s not the strongest swimmer, and struggles with water he can’t stand in, but it helps soothe him when he gets exasperated. Coming from a linage of powerful warriors, Cobalt has a strong and direct sense of justice. While he often struggles with knowing what to do in a situation, he’s the first on the scene when pointed in the right direction, or sees someone being blatantly victimized.


Cobalt is a skilled spearman and an experienced fire caster. He occupies his time with crafts and has a love of gardening and fishing especially. Outside of his fields of interest though, he immediately struggles.

Class Powers: Heat resistance, solar healing, bright vision and pyromancy.

Weapons Training:

Cobalt was trained from a young age by his mother, the legendary warrior, Crusher Panic. However, when it became obvious he and his sister could not keep up with her pace on the battlefield, she grew tired of being their mentor. Thus, Cobalt was left to continue his own spear training while she returned to her adventures. He continues his training to an obsessive degree. A spear is the only weapon he’s mastered, preferring to lean on his fire magic to fill in the gaps.


For one, Cobalt is very gullible. He is clearly neurodivergent, which isn't an issue for him so much as it is for others who judge him as awkward, rude, or strange. Something he is rather insecure about. Being a sword (spear) mage, he is also much squishier than other warriors. He generally lacks in charisma and defense.

Society Info

Guild Affiliations: None.

Contacts: His mother, the legendary hero, Crusher Panic. Also the Queen of the Dragons whom his mother helped years ago.

The Juicy Bits


Cobalt was born in No Man’s Land to the Sunscorched warrior, Crusher Panic. No one knows who she laid with to bear her twins, but it was obvious from the start that they were different. Crusher had won the favor of the Queen of Dragons and was granted a boon to her bloodline. Or so they say. She isolated her children from society so she could train them in peace. However, the rowdy adventurer was better at slaying beasts than raising children and soon grew bored with them. When they could not keep up with her prowess on the battlefield, she left to continue her legend elsewhere. Rumors spread of a pair of impsome, thieving drakes who patroled a cove at the edge of No Man’s Land. This rumor would manifest into sightings of a hut that soon became a house and grew steadily over six decades. Cobalt Panic built this house. He poured every day into building and spear training since he and his twin sister were abandoned by their mother, and left with the nebulous task of becoming stronger. And by extension, worthy of her love.

The twins would eventually play host to and find a family with Crusher's old comrades. Through them, they were introduced to their not-so-related cousin, the blacksmith Silvia Horn. She made a home with the twins so she could master her craft as could only be learned in No Man’s Land, rounding out their trio. Although not as steeped in magic as his sister, nor as skilled with heavy arms as his cousin, Cobalt developed a battlemage style with polearms as a focus. Given a Sunforged spear inscribed with his name - the apex of Silvia’s advancement in her craft - the call to adventure now draws Cobalt from his home. He wants to grow his strength out from under the shadow of his mother and see what good that strength can do for the world.