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21:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”

- Paulo Coehlo

The Basics

Name: Aratiri   Nickname: Ari / Tiri

Alias: Aratiri works as a mercenary under the name 'Huntress'.

Gender: Female   Age: 275

Offshoot: Earthbound

The Physical

Height: 5'6" at top of head / 6' at tip of antlers (though they're generally ground down to stumps, to avoid attention)

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Varies with her skin tone, depending on her surroundings.

Eye Color: Silver

Physical Description: Aratiri is a couple inches over average height, with an athletic build. Her arms and shoulders, in particular, are rather strong- having built up lean muscles over centuries of working with a variety of archery equipment. That said, generally speaking, she can lift more, push further, and throw harder than one would assume based on her outward appearance.

As an Earthbound, her skin has a chameleon like effect to it, and it changes in order to blend in to her surroundings when she wishes it to do so. Aratiri's hair shares the same ability, though that is a little rarer among the offshoot. That said, it is difficult to truly pin down what the elf's original skin tone or hair color is, unless one spends a good deal of time around her.

Just like the rest of the offshoot, Aratiri has a pair of antlers atop her head. However, she tends to keep them shaved down to stumps, when she plans to travel through human territories, to avoid notice. They tend to grow back to their full height of six inches in a few months time, regardless of how often they are trimmed.

Most often, Aratiri wears a set of leather armor while she is traveling the wilds of Eos, along with a forest green or brown cloak. She wields a bow and has a quiver that holds thirty arrows. But, she also has several throwing knives sheathed in various nooks and crannies across her body- ten in total, with an additional one hidden in each boot.

Ari is rarely seen out of her armor, but when she is, one would note that she is fit and lean, and doesn't have the type of curvature that would draw an inordinate amount of attention. Although, it wouldn't be obvious if she did. She tends to use body wraps, to fit comfortably within her armor.

Though they are rarely seen, there are several patches of Aratiri's skin that share a bark-like texture, and are much harder to the touch than the rest of her skin. The back of her neck, right calf, heel of her left foot, small of her back, left forearm and left shoulder all share this quality.

Under the Hood

Personality: Ari has never been afraid to speak her mind, and she's certainly not the type to be walked on or taken advantage of. She is quite intelligent and is well aware of how the world and people work. One tends to get a solid grasp on things, after nearly three centuries. Unfortunately, knowledge also tends to lead to stubbornness, when the one with the knowledge feels that they know best. Aratiri is no exception to this rule.

Ari is quick with a joke, but even quicker with some solid advice, if she feels you need it. She has a good sense of humor, and doesn't generally sweat the small stuff. Looking back over the course of her life, there are few things that have truly bothered her enough to stick out. There were terrible moments, naturally. There was trauma, as all people suffer through at times. But, she intends to live for a long time, and actively tries to avoid lingering on unsavory experiences. That said, she's not the type to hold a grudge. Rather, she'll settle it right then and there.

Skills: Aratiri is a naturally skilled tracker, hunter, survivalist and archer. She is more than capable of living off the land, and thriving for that matter. She has worked for several decades as a mercenary, taking jobs from a variety of sources. While most of Ari's skills revolve around tracking or hunting, she is a skilled healer, as well, and is more than capable of setting a broken bone, making a splint, fixing a dislocated shoulder, etc. However, most of her healing skills revolve around her magic.

Class: Earth Mage / Ranger

Class Powers: Earthbound elves have chameleon-like skin, and they are able to speak with non-sentient animals- essentially anything without gills or wings. On top of this, her hair shifts color along with her skin.

Aratiri is able to control the animals and plants around her, to a degree. For example, she can compel a passing bear who would have otherwise ignored her to attack her opponent, or cause a vine from a tree to strangle them instead. There is a wide variety of combat and utility applications for earth magic, but it is most potent when out in the wilds.

When in city limits, this type of magic can be limited to compelling domestic animals seen within society, or controlling house plants or decorative shrubbery placed around the city. However, Aratiri is capable of growing things, like trees, on her own, and could potentially force one to sprout through a paved road in the middle of a city square, if she deemed it necessary.

Aratiri is capable of controlling multiple beasts at once, compelling a plethora of animals to do her bidding. However, she generally only has one companion- a large, black Dire Wolf that she has named Noir.

Ari's most notable magical talent is that she is capable of growing plants that are used for healing, and is quite skilled in applying them. Some are more potent than others, and will heal someone within seconds or minutes, while others are much more diluted and are meant to be used for potion making. The most potent of these plants are generally found deep within the Dire, far away from civilization.

Weapons Training: Archery is her specialty, and she is quite skilled with a throwing knife as well, but, close combat is a personal weakness. She can throw a solid punch, but she has no formal training in the area. Ari is capable of using a sword, but she is not a master in the use of that particular blade, nor does she carry one on her person.

Vulnerabilities: Aratiri's most obvious weakness is close combat. She is an archer, and she fights like one, much preferring to keep her distance from her target.

Society Info

Guild Affiliations: Aratiri has several connections within the Merchant's Guild and the Adventurer's Guild, but she is not a member of either. Generally speaking, she has worked alone for the majority of her life.

Contacts: Ari's most notable contact is a high ranking Adventurer named Thalia, who feeds her intel regularly, and warns her when the guild is planning a trip to the Dire. She also knows several Merchants, who she supplies with a variety of herbs, when she needs some quick coin.

The Juicy Bits

Backstory: Like most Earthbound elves, Aratiri grew up in the Dire, alongside a Dire Wolf pup. She spent most of her days alone, exploring the woods alongside the wolf. She quickly learned how to take care of herself, and was a very independent child. Ari spent decades honing her magic and survival skills, and walked hand in paw with the wolf gifted to her at birth, until it grew old and passed away.

There were many reasons why the tradition of gifting a wolf pup to a newborn Earthbound had stuck around so long, and there were many reasons why the tradition would persist for countless years to come. It was effective. It taught the young elf to love and cherish the creature at her side, growing with it and protecting one another from the dangers of the Dire. And when it passed, it taught her to let go. It taught her that elves would outlive most, if not all, living creatures that they grew close to. It taught her to keep her distance.

After a century, or so, Aratiri finally chose to venture out into the world beyond the Dire. She spent several decades traveling to the far reaches of the continent and beyond. From the sunken city of Atlantis in the south, to the mystical lights that light the northern sky above the Vale she walked and ran and swam and even flew, on occasion. She traveled the continent, always with a wolf at her side. Not always the same wolf, naturally. They grew old over the years, while she remained young. But, they all share the same blood, as the first had sired several litters of pups before passing, and they had gone on to further advance the bloodline.

Eventually, Aratiri settled in Valeria for a time, and began working as a mercenary of sorts. At first, she would take jobs off of the notice boards in the various cities and towns and fulfill the requests. But, in time, she would begin exclusively taking jobs to hunt down criminals and bandits. Naturally, she has let some escape, while others have been riddled with arrows. Not all criminals are bad people, and she is well aware of that fact. She's become a little jaded over the years, but that hasn't changed her principles.