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Welcome to Life in Breckenridge

15:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Zachariah Turner

Name: Zachariah Turner
Nickname (if applicable): Zach, Hey you!, Boy, That little shit...
Age: 21
Is your character a visitor, newcomer to town, or resident? If they are a resident, how long have they been in Breckenridge?: lifelong resident

Occupation: pickpocket, thief, whatever he feels like at the time... basically no job

Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Young man, very thin and underweight due to poor diet, dark thick curly hair, pale blue eyes, pale skin and freckles. Usually wearing dark baggy clothing that is always worn and old. Dark bags under his eyes, scars on his arms from needles.

Personality Description: A rebel at heart Zach hates being told what to do or what he should value in life, he has always been on the wrong side of the law and loves it. He is usually hostile by nature and shows little care about anyone but himself as a means of self defense, assuming no one wants him around. Deep down he does want a secure place to belong but has developed such a reputation that he is proud of that it stops him from having any long term relationships or friendships.

Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual):

Likes: Breaking rules, stealing, pick pocketing, parkour, adventuring, clear night skies, cats (not that he would tell anyone), mysteries

Dislikes: Law, order, rules, authority, his parents, being forced to stay still for long periods of time

History: Born to parents, Marcus and Rosemary Turner, who were known drug addicts he was taken into foster care at the age of 3 after he was found wondering the streets hungry, thirsty and suffering from a contact high due to his parents smoking weed inside the house. They never tried to claim custody of him again even though they have lived in the same town all their lives and still run into each other, they treat him as a stranger. In foster homes he developed a reputation of being hard to control, defying any type of rules or regulations set upon him. He would break out of rooms, wander the streets and explore whenever he could.

Schooling was near impossible as he refused to listen to the teachers and out just leave school grounds. Even now as an adult he has issues reading and writing because of this. He became friends with those on the streets, thinking he was pretty cool to hang out with those who stole from shops and vandalized private property. From the age of 9-15 he was adopted and returned by 5 different foster families and he resented all for trying to control and change him and then for returning him like a toy.

Once he was 18 he was out on the streets, refusing to take any work that was offered to him. Once he was an adult he was caught selling drugs for cash as well as selling his own body in order to make enough cash to get through the week. Despite all those who have tried to help him he always seems to turn back to the unsavoury people of the town, knowing they are consistent in that everyone is out for themselves on the street (there is an odd comradery in those who society has abandoned).