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Welcome to Life in Breckenridge

01:10, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Evelyn Black

Name: Evelyn Eve Black
Nickname (if applicable):Evey Eve
Age: 25
Is your character a visitor, newcomer to town, or resident? If they are a resident, how long have they been in Breckenridge?: New Resident
Occupation: semi controversial young adult Novelist (the novels are semi controversial)
Faceclaim: No drawings/anime characters, etc. Aubrey Plaza
Theme Song: Evelyn Evelyn by Evelyn Evelyn
Physical Description/Distinguishing Features: Evelyn is a Brunette with shoulder length hair. Evelyn has Sectoral Heterochromia eyes half Green and Half Brown.  She has a scar around her neck she usually covers up with a choker. She also has scars on her wrists. Her physique is fairly fit. She has a tattoo of an potato on her left ankle. She has the word Lethe tattooed over her heart. On the base of her neck is a tattoo of an alien looking insect similar to a centipede with it's pinchers clamping on her brain stem.
Personality Description: Evelyn's personality 8s awkwardest and somewhat shy her humor is dark and cynical. When a strong woman takes control of her she goes weak in the knees and falls head over heels willing to do anything to please them. Eve's personality is more sassy. She's aggressive in what she wants and only submits for someone as twisted as her. She also hates Evelyn.
Likes and Dislikes (non-sexual):
Evelyn likes: Strawberry Daiquiris, Weed, Japanese snacks, Goat Cheese, indie folk music, horror movies, etc.
Eve Likes: Whiskey, Junk food, music to dance to, spicy foods, swimming,etc.
Evelyn dislikes: Eve, Bugs, Vermin, antidepressants, spicy foods, prolonged socialization, aggressive or flirty men.
Eve Dislikes: Evelyn, Aggressive Dogs, Karens, falling in love.